A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Eclipse: Chapter 15 (Wager)

The song for this chapter is Hysteria by Muse


Finally — my glorious two-week break is complete, which means back to work, back to writing, and back to the next chapter in Eclipse! I will admit my break was quite a joyful one (besides the being-sick half the time part) but it’s always a welcome time to get back to a schedule and start again with the new year. On to Chapter the 15th!

In the previous chapter, Jacob just informed Bella of the fact that he is in love with her, which did not cause much of a reaction in me besides a hiccup (I attribute this more to eating my snack too fast instead of surprise). The fact is that I knew, as well as Bella, and everyone who has read this far, that Jacob is madly in love with her, and would greatly welcome a runaway train flattening every shiny silver Volvo in the surrounding 500 miles of Forks.


But Jacob’s proclamations of love aside, Bella doesn’t buy into it quite so quickly, though she doesn’t outright turn him down either. Bella is a hard person for me to understand. I figure she is doing one of three things:

1. She loves Edward but still thinks she is not good enough for him; thus, not completely getting rid of Jacob leaves someone around to go to if Edward leaves again, OR

2. She loves Edward but can’t stand to hurt Jacob’s feelings, even though her relationship with him doesn’t, ahem, sparkle as much as her relationship with Edward; thus she wants to say she doesn’t love him, but can’t bring herself to do it for fear of crushing him, OR

3. All of the above.

I am personally going for option 3. Considering the fact that no matter what happens, someone will be hurt, I find it slightly disappointing that Bella would continue to lead Jacob on when she knows she won’t love him like Edward. But, she is human, and sometimes humans have a hard time making decisions, especially one’s involving love — whilst the possibility of something actually blooming between her and Jacob looms over her head every time she thinks of cutting ties with him altogether. The key line here is:

Bella to Jacob: “But I don’t want you around for the same reason that you want me around.”

Decoded means: “I want to be Just Friends.”

But you can’t have it both ways. It’s like getting a pet chinchilla (Jacob), feeding it and letting it nibble the ends of your fingers, and then each day at 2 o’clock tossing it out into the foggy streets of London so you can go play with your real pet, a disapproving rabbit (Edward). Eventually, the rabbit will be jealous of the hours you spend with the chinchilla; and the chinchilla will feel as if you’re just using it, and join Her Majesty’s Navy on a trip far away in order to forget you. There can never be two number 1’s in a person’s life.

I did notice one thing that made me feel better about Bella, and that is the fact that she is beginning to realize what she is doing to poor Jacob:

If I wasn’t mean — and greedy, too — I would tell him I didn’t want to be friends and walk away. It was wrong to try to keep my friend when that would hurt him.

Which is true. Bella is in a very hard position, because either leaving or staying will both end up hurting Jacob. Oh, what a predicament.

I find it endlessly funny how Charlie is so blatantly Team Jacob. It’s as if Jacob can do anything he wants because Charlie wants him and Bella together so much:

Charlie: “Why did she hit you?”

“Because I kissed her,” Jacob said, unashamed.

“Good for you kid,” Charlie congratulated.

“So, can I have $500?” Jacob went on.

“Sure,” said Charlie, already pulling it out.

“And the deed to this house.”

“Right here.” Charlie already had it signed.

“I’ll be taking your patrol car on the way out,”

“Sure thing,” Charlie chuckled. “Here, take my left arm and half my furniture while you’re here.”

As I read this chapter, I also wondered what exactly Edward was going to do when he showed up at the house. After all, I know that I would not be pleased in the slightest to know that the guy my girlfriend was hanging out with ultimately led to her breaking her hand. Especially when said hand was broken trying to whack some sense into his head because he tried to force a kiss in. No, I would not be happy at all.

Meanwhile, on a nearby hill...

which, as I found out a few pages later, is what nearly happened. When Edward accelerates his Volvo even more than its already-insane speed, you know he is not pleased.

Question for the comments: if Edward and Jacob did get in a fight, who do you think would win? Remember, they’re both fighting for Bella, so it would be worse than usual. Or, do you think they would both end up dying in the process?


– Details on the epic Twilight Youtube Contest Of Awesome II are coming — just as soon as I get the Epic Cool Things I’m Giving Away in the mail 😀

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153 Responses

  1. Simple science, Kaleb. It takes, what, six werewolves to kill one vampire? Edward wins. And then he could read Jacob’s mind and would hear “I’m going to bite his leg next and then go for his face.” …Uhmm…Edward wins.

    And Edward would win again if it was just a verbal fight for who loves Bella more.

    PS: I got a gnome for my birthday today Kaleb! Haha.

  2. Edward might win because he could get to Jacob before Jacob could finish the thought of wanting to phase, but in a contest of fighting abilities…that’s not a fight you can predict. You’d have to see it happen, which is impossible of course, because they are fictional.

    I love Jacob very much, but he really gets on my nerves in this chapter. And you’re missing a very crucial (and correct) choice of why Bella doesn’t get rid of Jacob, but I can’t tell you what it is because it will spoil the ending (sort of).

    Glad you’re feeling better! So nice to read your entries again…but unfortunately I have homework looming over my head. First day back and we jumped right into work! Fun right?

  3. Honestly… I think Edward would forfeit. He doesn’t want to hurt Bella and he knows that hurting Jacob would hurt her.

    As much as I love Jacob now I was thoroughly disgusted with him in Eclipse. He would willingly and maliciously hurt Edward just to get what he wants, which is Bella, of course.

    Even though I don’t think Edward would let the fight get that far I think he would win if it came down to it. Jacob thinks he loves Bella, but she really is Edward’s soul mate. He would fight harder.

  4. Oh man…in my mind, I have no doubt that Edward would win. But I don’t think he would kill Jacob, because he knows that he’s important to Bella. Jacob, however, is incredibly selfish and would rip him apart like the wolves did to Laurent…

  5. Following the Romeo and Juliet theme of New Moon, if one had to win it would be Edward. Paris is the one who dies. Plus Edward has the an advantage in SO many ways. Mind reading, which also means he has the element of surprise Jacob doesn’t have. But, Edward would never kill Jacob knowing how much Bella cared about him. The resistance would make Edward not fight as hard. I think the werewolves or the Cullens would stop them before they could fight… or it would turn into a war.

  6. UM Edward would win no doubt about it. But he would keep Jacob alive because he knows how much it would hurt Bella if he didnt, unlike Jacob who is selfish and doesnt realize that by trying to win Bella’s love he is hurting her and also hurting himself. And this part of the book reminds me a lot of Mr.Darcy/Whitcam perdictament from P&P. But just like P&P the best man always win!!

  7. chinchilla…rabbit…rotfl!! thts hilarious 😛 in a fight edward wouldn’t want to hurt jacob too badly because he knows that it would hurt bella but jacob on the other hand would hurt edward because he has nothing to lose, he knows he can start to heal her back again (in his mind). so edward would win by sheer awesomeness lol but he might end up losing in the end…

  8. Honestly I can not really say who would win. I would want Edward to win. But like everyone else has already said, he wouldn’t do it because he wouldn’t want to hurt Bella in the end. I would be right there cheering for him though!

    Yeah, Charlie and Jacob got on my nerves! Especially when Charlie was all smiles about Jacob kissing her. Charlie really wasn’t the least bit concerned over her broken hand. Bella too got on my nerves in this book. Doing this whole back and forth between Edward and Jacob thing. I felt bad for both of them. Edward moreso than Jacob.

    Yeah, now that I think about it, it does make sense that she would want to keep Jacob around in case Edward does leave again. But I think that it has to be more of option 2 and it’s just because she really doesn’t want to hurt him.

    Loved both the pictures. They were great!
    Also loved the pet chinchilla and disapproving rabit analogy. I laughed it was so funny! 🙂
    P.S. One of my favorite scenes in this book was when Edward was speeding in the background. Too funny :-p
    P.P.S. I am glad that you are back and feeling better. It really stinks being sick…Here’s to a new year! 🙂

  9. Hmm. I’m not sure WHO would win…
    Bella would probably come in and interrupt their fight anyway, like usual…
    but Edward, methinks?

  10. The colorful Just Friends reminded me of this. One of my favorite movies is actually called Just Friends, it’s hillarious, and if you’re ever looking for a good movie to watch, that’s what you should pick, lol.

  11. This entire senario would only work if Bella had never moved to Forks and this was just a fight over the treaty line. They both love Bella far, FAR too much to kill each other.

    As much as I love both, I’d have to say Edward. Jacob is a great fighter and all, but . . .
    H E B R E A K S !
    And there is his one weakness. If Edward gets a hand on Jacob, it’s all downhill. Sure, Jacob might rip an arm or leg off in the process, but there wouldn’t be enough time to set them on fire.
    So, sorry, Jacob, I’m going Edward for once.

  12. Edward would SO win. Because, as much as Jacob loves Bella, Edward loves her about 1000000 times as much. And also, as someone pointed out, in New Moon, it took five werewolves to take Laurent out. Even though I’m sure the rest of the pack would jump in and help Jacob, Emmett and Jasper would help out too. So if you do the math…

  13. >=) Edward wins hands down. He’s like STONE and can read his thoughts.

    By the way these posts make my day <3.

  14. I think that if Edward and Jacob got into a fight, then Edward would lose. Now, before you anybody goes throwing rotten lettuce at my head, here’s why: I think Edward loves Bella so much he couldn’t kill Jacob because he knows it would crush Bella. Sure, he’d put up a fight, but in the end, I think he’d pretty much give himself up. Jacob, even though he knows Bella loves Edward, is much more impulsive and, in my opinion, not nearly as good at keeping his temper as Edward, and would end up killing him. But then, knowing that he killed Edward, I’m positive Bella would never forgive Jacob, and everyone would end up unhappy.

    I loved the chinchilla vs. rabbit, ha ha! Can’t wait for the next chapter!

  15. Yes….this is one of my favorite chapters of all time. With that in mind I say that Edward would definatly win…hands down! As much as Edward loves Bella and would do anything for her and to not hurt her. He’s filled with rage and can you blame the guy, his one and only love is hurt, and the fact that a werewolf cause it, doesnt help! Besides werewolfs are more vulnerable, so yes…Edward would win without a doubt in my mind!

  16. Edward would win. Definetly. I think i spelled that wrong, but anyway. Just one random thing as well. I think it is sooooooo cute when bella calls edward to tell him to pick her up, and when he hears that jacob kissed her he doesn’t say anything, but the engine accelerates. That is just so….adorable, perfect, edwardish. 😀

    edward 😀

  17. Honestly?
    (well this may contain spoilers)

    later in the book edward and jacob contemplate who would win in a fight. neither or them are particularly sure and both think it would be interesting to find out, seeing as edward has uncertainty with who would win it means he’s factored in his mind reading and greater indestructability into the equation and came with the conclusion that even counting all that a fight between he and Jake would be unpredictable meaning he’s not certian he would win.

    I think it would be a pretty evan fight, because I have my doubts in the assumption it takes an entire pack to take down a vampire.
    I think the pack works as a unit as a precaution and also because its fair and what real wolves do in the wild. they hunt as a pack so they would attack as a pack.
    in the past (in the ancient legends) when it took multiple wolves to take down a vampire it was because they were young inexperienced wolves who didnt have any idea how to destroy a “cold one” or it was an old out of practice wolf who was loosing his strength and will to fight.
    taking this and the fact that a very young wolf takes down a newborn almost on his own near the end of this book leads me to believe it doesnt really take muiltiple wolfs to take down a vampire and if a werewolf is strong and expecially natural at what they do (like Jake) then they would be on an even playing feild with a vampire, even when it comes to a mind-reading one. Because Jake could always use dirty tactics like pictureing a heartbroken bella, shouting insecurities into edward’s mind, playing on it as an advantage so he doesnt see where his next move is coming from, and besides single minded fury is unpredictable and that could also work on jakes favor. all in all it would be even and I would hate to see either of them hurt.

    😀 melissaturkey

  18. Edward. Hes indestructable, while all he’d have to do is bite Jacob, and it would be like poison, killing him easily.

  19. I agree with Brianna J. (and not because i’m a die hard Team Jacob fan) because of the sheer fact that Jacob really has nothing to loose in a fight with Edward and Edward himself would hold back because of exactly what he said in this chapter “You’ll be upset about it in the morning” or something like that, i wouldn’t know because my friend has Eclipse 🙂
    I’m really glad your feeling better and this is a really funny post, but it still gets worse in the book. It’s why it’s my favorite one out of the whole series because everyone shows their true colors and how they really are

  20. so my 2 cents is … there would be no fight. Bella would try to stop it and get hurt and then BOTH Edward and Jacob would be like “OH NO” and help her and forget about killing one another for the moment.

    Charlie is a little too transparent, hilarious but transparent. To me this just further cements that Bella and Edward belong together. What teenage girl actually dates the guy her dad LIKES!?!?!? none … I don’t know about anyone else, but when I was a teenager I went out of my way to pick out guys who my dad wouldn’t like!!!
    Your Thomas pic made me pee a little !!!

  21. I think it would be Edward because Edward can read Jacob’s mind and know what moves he would me making. Thus giving Edward the better advantage.

  22. It’s no secret that the winner would be EDWARD. He loves Bella way more than he gives off and would fight for her. I am not saying that Jacob doesn’t know how to fight but when it comes down to it who is the stronger person? EDWARD. Thought Jake will try he is nothing compared to Edward. He has decades upon decades and decades of knowledge. And Edward is always careful around Bella who knpws how he is when he really lets out his full power. And Edward could(as we all know) read minds and would hear what Jacob is going to do next. Any way we look at it EDWARD WOULD WIN!!!

    BTW I love the pet chinchilla and disapproving rabbit metaphor.:D

  23. No contest!! Edward would beat Jacob to a pulp and I would support him for doing so. I was hoping he was going to in this chapter but I was instantly disappointed! SIGH! Anyway, Edward can read minds, has more experience, and does not need the help of his family for support, hence, he would win. And yes, I totally agree, he loves Bella so powerfully, so truly, so deeply as an endless chasm that he would not touch a hair on his head (spoken by Heathcliff) while Bella would be hurt by the thought. That’s what proves that Edward loves Bella more, he would never hurt Jacob though he is dying to do so.
    I wish Bella would just let Jacob go already! And Charlie is so annoying!! His daughter was kissed against her will and her hand is broken and he conratulates the perpetrator! I couldn’t believe it! If he knew right then that Jacob is a werewolf, he would feel a little differently, I think.
    The chinchilla and rabbit analogy was hilarious, Kaleb!

  24. i think bella would break itt up before they (jacob) got really hurt or worse a very big war begins and all the horrible crap that should happen in any other vamp/werewolf story

  25. But the chinchilla was cuter than the edward rabbit!!!! 🙁

    Anyway to your three options during the writing I would have to say it is mostly option two. Bella seems to have realized that Edward loves her, she just doesn’t want to hurt Jacob. Anyhooo….
    Man after he kissed her I threw my book at the wall which I instantly regretted because I ripped the cover…. not as bad as what happens later though… GRRRRRR! >:(

    I think if it was mano a mano with no other pack members or burly vampires (coughemmetcough) then I think Edward would win. I mean /jacob is still relatively human and can be killed in numerous ways, just snapping his neck for example. Meanwhile you have to catch Edward, then start ripping him apart while trying to defend yourself. Yepp Edward would definantly win.

  26. PS….
    I love hearing Edwards reaction to this. He is completly calm on the surface even though he’s talking baout killing him. I was like “oooo Jacob’s gonna get it” the whole thing but alas, he did not….

  27. Okay, Kaleb, isn’t it kind of obvious who would win. This is not just because I am an adament Team Edward supporter but because of logical reasoning. First of all Edward can read Jacob’s mind therefore he can predict his moves. Second Edward has a lot more experience than Jacob (over a century.) For Jacob to destroy Edward he would have to rip Edward to pieces and burn him which is sort of a lot of rigor morale compared to what Edward would have to do. Because venom is poisonous to werewolves all Edward would have to do is bite Jacob and he would win. So although I love Jacob, too (on his good days when he’s not forcing himself on Bella and criticizing the Cullens), I think Edward would easily win a fight against him.

  28. Heres the thing. Edward is much older and wiser then Jake. I see Edward throwing the volvo at Jake to surprise him and then Whoop is butt and bite him, so he dies slowly. Yes I admit Edward does have a dark side. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hadn’t thought about killing Jake everytime he peeks into Jakes mind. I love Jake too, but he really needs to back off of Bella. If I were Edward I would’ve done it. No shame. I’d say “Bella, I know your gonna hate me for a while”

    “Edward, what are you doing?”
    “Shush Bella. It’ll be okay.” WHACK! Volvo is lifted from the pavement in half a milisecond only to fly across the driveway and hit the poor unsuspecting Jake.
    “Like I said Bella, Im no super hero.”
    “W-wha..? Jake, you okay?”
    “Yea…What the..!” Edward starts to continuously beat the daylights out of Jake. ‘I’ve wanted to do this for a long time…’ Edward chuckles darkly to himself.

    So yea…thats what I think…call me insane.

  29. Edward would win in a fight between him and Jacob. Why? Because 1) he’s been around longer and has more experience fighting than Jacob and 2) he can hear his thoughts on what move Jacob might be planning to make next. The fight might go on for a bit but, in the end, Edward would come out victorious.

  30. I’d like to think that because Jacob is smart, and I’m a team switzerland by the way, that he would project a move that he WOULDN’T do and then make another move.
    So for me…I’d rather them both die. I just couldn’t bear either one of them coming out. Of course, I’d hate them to battle like that in the first place!

  31. I think… I dunno. Jacob is desperate and Edward is cool and confident. I dunno. I think Edward in the end would win, but Jacob would give him a run for his volvo.

  32. Psh. It would take more than a runaway Amtrak to squash Edward. That being said, if it came to a fight, I believe Edward would win. Jacob would probably get in a few good swipes–er, bites–but in the end, Edward would emerge victorious. But of course, if it had, Bella would do her best to be in the middle and stop them, possibly getting injured and infuriating Edward and Jacob more. Thus, the circle of angst continues…heh.

    But, I also agree with what Brianna J. (comment 66) said. Edward couldn’t possibly bring himself to harm Jacob, because he knows how it would hurt Bella. But then, I think Jacob would be thinking along the same track, and it would just end in some kind of uncomfortable stalemate. Oh, the possibilities…

    Heh, Charlie. Take my left arm…snort. He WOULD do something like that.

    Just so you know, you rock my socks six ways to Sunday. And your contests are epic win. :]


  33. Glad to see you back and in rare form!!

    I don’t think Bella ever really grasps the potential for trouble here. She thinks, that like her, the mentions of killing one or the other are hyperbole.

    Edward could easily kill Jacob. His years of experience and his mind-reading abilities give him the upper hand.

    But, that said, no one would win. Jake would die. Bella would be inconsolable. And Edward would never forgive himself for hurting Bella. Then the war would begin and both sides would lose loved ones.

    And Charlie – I wanted to kick him in the shin for not taking this more seriously. It really isn’t funny when a guy forces himself on your teenage daughter!!

    Oh, and Kaleb, I’ll never look at Thomas the Tank Engine in the same way…..

  34. Edward would would win, definitely. It took a whole pack to get rid of Laurent! Werewolves are just so much easier to hurt than vampires, and Edward can read minds, which would give him another advantage! And Edward has so much more experience. I doubt he would actually kill Jacob though, because it would hurt Bella too much. He’d probably just knock him out.
    I agree, it’s probably #3.
    Love the analogy, I’m considering getting a chinchilla and a rabbit and naming them Jacob and Edward! My mom probably won’t let me, though…

  35. Edward definitely has more fighting experience but he hasn’t fought for anybody with the same passion. He would instill greater strength but I think he would also be emotionally weakened. Jacob is just really desperate and full of young wolf rage so it kind of equals out. In the end, they would both destroy each other and Bella would end up committing suicide by surrendering herself to Victoria. A pretty gruesome ending. 🙁

  36. scratch that-Edward would pwn Jacob. I don’t know what I was thinking. He’s fiercer when it comes to protecting Bella.

  37. Kaleb, Kaleb, Kaleb…Can you even consider that a comment question? Its more like a comment statement. “who do you think would win?” Translation: “Tell me how awesome you think Edward is.” No question in my mind, Edward would win. This is Bella we are talking about–Edward has been alone for over 80 years now. Do you really think he is going to let some little kid win in a fight for the woman of his dreams? Honestly…
    Okay, I think my roommates think I am insane now. I couldn’t help laughed at the picture of the rabbit. I mean…is that supposed to be Edward? Its CHIN!! Holy cow…I can’t get over it. You crack me up, Kaleb.

  38. Edward would win. I mean Jacob is very strong but I think Edward has more experience and a few tricks that would give him some advantage. Go Edward!!!

  39. Oh man, listen to this quote from Robert Pattinson, taken directly from an interview with E! It’s wild, and probably freaked out all the people who tried to get him to prep for the interview, or maybe he didn’t have those people, since they obviously didn’t expect Twilight to be the successful movie it was. He spends the first half of the interview talking about how insane he finds the whole twilight frenzy to be, and how he had no idea what he was getting into when he auditioned. You can google the interview if you want to see the whole thing live:

    “I was convinced… that Stephenie was convinced… that she was Bella… and it was like a book that wasn’t supposed to be published. And you’re reading like, her sort of sexual fantasy. […] I was like, This woman is mad. She’s completely mad, and she’s in love with her own fictional creation. And sometimes you’d like feel uncomfortable reading this thing. […] It’s kind of… like a sick pleasure.”

  40. i think that edward would win because he would bite jacob and vampire venom is lethal to werewolfs

  41. Physically Jacob would win but only because Edward would give up the fight knowing that killing Jacob would make Bella unhappy and on the list of Edward’s life rules, 1) is don’t do anything to make Bella unhappy. But while Jacob would win the physical battle for that reason, Edward would ultimately win the war since his love for Bella really is unconditional while Jacob’s love for her – though genuine – is full of conditions.

  42. I think Edward would win. Sure, I’m all for the Bella/Jake relationship, and I think that they would have more in common (i.e. being human). Unfortunately, I believe that it is eventually mentioned that vampire venom is lethal to werewolves (I prefer the term Lycan… Don’t ask), So all Edward would have to do is get close enough and bite Jake, so Jake would end up dying, no harm done to Edward at all.

  43. Edward would easily win. He’s a more skilled fighter, and he loves Bella more deeply than Jake ever will.

    i love the part about charlie being team jacob. it really made me mad the whole time because his only daughter is standing there with a broken hand caused by jacob’s hard head, and he’s just joking and patting him on the back!
    I loved edward’s response to the whole situation, because he was the only one who was there for her. although, i would’ve loved to see jake with a broken jaw….:D

    i really don’t agree with what bella is doing to edward in this situation. she keeps saying how much she can’t live without him, but she can’t hurt jacob’s feelings and tell him to go away? pshhhh…..

  44. I agree with the other Emily out there- I think Edward would definitely win, but the other wolves are going to know about the fight immediately, thus getting it all very messy very fast.
    Thus, fight=no good.

  45. I never thought about Bella keeping Jake around because shes scared of Eddie leaving, but now that you suggest it it makes perfect sense. We all know she will NEVER think shes good enough, but will she ever come to accept poor Eddie’s love?
    I think not.
    And i HATE how TJ Charlie is. It makes me so annoyed that Jake can practically mouth-rape her and charlie will congradulate him. That is NOT the kind of reaction I’d want from my dad.
    I’m not sure if Eddie’s reaction is in this chappie or not, but its fun. really fun. One of my favorite parts of this book actually.
    Well, this is getting long and i havent even answered your question yet.
    EDWARD WOULD KICK BUTT! Now, i say that as an Edward fangirl, but if you think about, he has been fighting for about 90 years longer than Jake. Also, he can read his mind; anticipate his moves before they happen.
    The only thing that would hold him back is his fear to kill Jacob, hurt Bella/finally become the monster he has always expected to be in her eyes.
    I think its pretty safe to say that that fear wouldnt affect Jake half as much, as he clearly does not care for her feelings. This chapter is proof.

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