The song for this chapter is Stolen by Dashboard Confessional
During my glorious and much-needed break from blogging, it was brought to my attention that I was mentioned somewhere I had never, ever expected to be. One of my readers emailed and said she had been reading Robert Pattinson: Eternally Yours, by Isabelle Adams, and came across this passage on page 90:

I can’t even begin to tell you what a surprise this was! I’m still in shock that I was mentioned in an actual book like that π
Anyhows, I managed to make time stop so I could read another chapter of Eclipse today! Where I left off, there were some obvious Jacob/Bella problems going on. Does she love him? Does she not? Does she absolutely detest his slightly manipulative ways? I shall find out…
Bella’s vision of a perfect wedding is very fitting for what she wants: anything human to be over as quickly as possible.She hardly enjoys any sort of celebration, even her own graduation and birthdays, and being wed carries so much weight in her mind she seems to want it over and done with As Soon As Humanly Possible. Obviously, this is not what she has in mind:

Rather, her dream wedding is more like this:

Alice however, has quite a different set of plans for her human-equivalent-of-a-sister. I had little doubt that Alice would somehow find a way to talk Bella out of the drive-thru wedding option, which she does in record time:
Bella: NO NO NO!
Never try to change Alice’s mind when it comes to planning a possible party*Β π
Bella sets off on her serious mission of misleading the rabid newborns with her scent, which seems as intoxicating as a human scent can get. As she and Edward are making their smelly paths through the woods, their conversation is entirely amusing yet again. I don’t know if anyone else noticed, or if I’m pulling things completely out of the air, but I really enjoy the fact that Edward and Bella can be apart and yet together at the same time. It’s as if they’re walking seperately from each other, but in a way they’re still close: this never ending conversation that dominates everything. As if I haven’t pointed it out enough in the course of reading, it’s such an integral part of their relationship: even when Edward isn’t exactly holding her hand, in a way he’s still there next to her.
I like it how Edward is open to whatever type of wedding Bella prefers, but I have to say I’m with Alice on this one. Really, Bella might want the fastest possible, speed-read wedding now, but about 254 years from now she might wish she had chosen otherwise. Not one to speak of how anyone feels when they’re older and wiser and 200+ years old, I still get the feeling that if she has the chance, why not make something memorable out of it? Anyone could easily skip Christmas, New Years and birthdays because they’re just too busy for such party nonsense, but eventually they might begin to regret what they missed out on. And besides, nobody in their right mind would pass up Emmett Cullen doing the job π
Then, exactly as I had mentioned in the previous chapter:
JACOB: “Sometimes I think you like me better as a wolf.”
BELLA: “It probably has something to do with the way you can’t talk.”
JACOB: “You’re so lulzy when you’re mad.”
My thoughts exactly — for though I have no deep loathing for Jacob the werewolf, I can completely feel how annoyed Bella is by his constant irritation of her. I don’t understand. I really do not. It is not that I have anything against Jacob. I just don’t understand how he can constantly act immature and mean and yet still be convinced that Bella secretly adores him. Perhaps I am too accustomed to Edward’s politeness, and Jacob’s ways seem to pale in comparison, because he is closer to being human (somewhat resembling Han Solo’s overly self-assertive personality). But really, how many times has something happened like this:
JACOB: “I know you love me.”
BELLA: “No, I hate your stinkin guts.”
JACOB: “Yeah, I knew it, you love me.”
BELLA: “Look over there, a cliff. Jump off it.”
JACOB: “Yep, you love me, la de da…”
Unless I am mistaken, or Forks is in Opposite-world, Bella is being quite clear, thank you very much.
To Jacob’s benefit, however, he does go along with the plan, and safely carried Bella to the cave, for which I’m sure Bella is grateful. It is so interesting that Jacob might have been the alpha of the werewolves: a bit of history I wasn’t expecting about him. So perhaps a bit of Jacob’s overconfidence comes from the blood of a leader running through him? Readers of my site might find it interesting that part of my family history includes a chief, way back in the Choctaw nation (at least, this is how the family’s story goes…). Maybe Jake and I have more in common than I would like to think… π
Question for the comments: What do you think would have happened if Jake was the alpha of the group? Do you think the werewolves would have still worked with the vampires?
– NEW Twilight Youtube Contest Of Awesome! I’m posting about it TOMORROW (you can see it on my Youtube now if you want).
– Bailey (nomoremarbles) has started a brand-new store with tons of great Twilight shirts! All the proceeds from the store go to benefit her son Dominic’s therapy for autism. Check it out here (there’s a bunch of great stuff!).
– Popstar is having a poll for your favorite Twilight fansites. Since, ahem, my site isn’t actually a fansite, I don’t expect to be on that list. So, perhaps go throw in a vote for the awesome people at HisGoldenEyes and The Twilight Lexicon π
-A large group of Twilighters have started a group called Team Shari, to benefit a TwilightMOM who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. If you’d like to help or participate in their auctions, check out their website
– HisGoldenEyes just got a Twitter, and they’ll be updating their followers with the latest in Twilight news! As you all know, it is so easy to update a Twitter, even from a phone, that most news is sent out on there before everywhere else: so if you follow them, you’ll get the latest as it happens (I do the same stuff with my Twitter page).
*side note: say that 10 times fast: planning a possible party. muhaha.
107 Responses
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What??? Jacob head of the pack?? Who are you – Alice?? shutting up now. π
But if he hadnt have killed Eddie-boy yet, then i think he wouldve just locked Bella up somewhere on werewolf land and made the rest of the pack fight to the death to protect her.
And then Eddie would’ve killed him.
This comment is coming late, I realize but I just recently discovered your website and have been reading from the beginning, trying to catch up.
This is the first time I felt the need to leave a comment, knowing how outdated it’s posting is.
I consider myself a Team Jacob person although I fully recognize that as long as Edward is around and wanting her, there’s no way Bella could choose him. Not the choice I was would make. π
Anyway, you’ve been pretty good so far at figuring out why those of us who love Jacob do so. But in this chapter you got it very wrong.
On some level, Bella IS in love with Jake. And his confidence in that is H.O.T.
Edward (who I do love at times) can be needy when it comes to believing that Bella loves him as much as he loves her.
Jake doesn’t need that crap. He just knows.
Bottom line: confidence (even borderline cockiness) is sexy.
Comment about the Han Solo reference: If you recall, although “overly self-assertive,” Leia DID like Han. If Edward were to be anyone in that analogy, he’d be Luke, and dude, that’s her brother.
I am not Team Jacob. I am Team Devil’s Advocate.
I just donβt understand how he can constantly act immature and mean and yet still be convinced that Bella secretly adores him. Perhaps – THANK YOU. I never doubted that Jacob was a good guy at heart, but he’s so pushy, rude, and downright disrespectful of Bella at times…
And I’m not Team Switzerland or Team anyone. Bella is hardly a piece of meat to be fought over… and the only person who actually thought he would lose Bella is Edward himself.
I don't think it would have changed anything if Jacob was the Alpha… He would still be fighting to help out the Cullens defend Bella… and not to mention that he is totally pumped about the chance to kill 'some' vampires. Its funny to me that Bella has these two… totally awesome both 'alpha' type males fighting over her… in many ways Edward is a leader in his family too… after all he was the first one that Carlilse changed. Sounds pretty much like any girls dream come true π Yet, she is 'average' and not particularly extraordinary… well at least on the surface… after you get to know the character you see that she is in fact very extraordinary in her own way.
I don't think it would have changed anything if Jacob was the Alpha… He would still be fighting to help out the Cullens defend Bella… and not to mention that he is totally pumped about the chance to kill 'some' vampires. Its funny to me that Bella has these two… totally awesome both 'alpha' type males fighting over her… in many ways Edward is a leader in his family too… after all he was the first one that Carlilse changed. Sounds pretty much like any girls dream come true π Yet, she is 'average' and not particularly extraordinary… well at least on the surface… after you get to know the character you see that she is in fact very extraordinary in her own way.
Yes I do and mostly because it was to help Bella.
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