A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 7 (Unexpected)

The song for this chapter is Zoe Jane by Staind


Hello! My name is Kaleb! I write here! On occasion!

I’m back, with just under two more weeks of finals to go. For those of you not acquainted with how finals work on my corner of the planet, the school generally gives me a week off to study and then slams me with final exams like a train meeting the body of a car stuck on the tracks. Thus, I’m in that period of time where things actually slow down: the calm before the storm. Between taking nearly 300 photos of gnomes for my Digital Photography And Design class finals and totally scoring with Publishers Weekly, I’m going through a speed-reading session with all the books I’m behind on: including, but not limited to, Looking For Alaska, Once Dead, Twice Shy and OH YES: Breaking Dawn. Onwards — before my professors catch me!

I don’t know if I’ve ever suffered from food poisoning, but I know from many years of experience that fried chicken can very easily make one sick. I have a low tolerance for fatty foods, so that even when I’m eating at Chick-Fil-A (as opposed to the far greasier Popeyes) I immediately feel sick afterward. However, I’ve discovered a remedy for this. After I eat any type of chicken, I immediately take a mint, which clears my mouth of all the remaining chicken-taste (I’m quick to add I didn’t invent this, it’s been in use in restaurants for decades). Unfortunately for Bella, the chicken had actually gone bad.

Not What Stephenie Was Imagining
Not What Stephenie Was Imagining

This seems like an odd, specific detail: the chicken having gone bad. I know the Twilight Saga too well to pass over this without giving it a second glance. Was it really chicken? Was Bella really sick? Was it actually POISONED? Or perhaps I’m overreacting to just some old expired chicken…

I have a feeling that for the remaining duration of Breaking Dawn, I will be plagued with frequent tidbits of Too Much Information. Don’t worry. I can handle it. I will handle it in exactly the same way I handled the paragraphs in Twilight and New Moon about Edward and Jacob’s

– Muscles

– Chest

– Arms

– Sparkles

– Coincidental lack of clothing at opportune times which led to the revelation of all of the above.

So when I hear about Bella suspecting she might be pregnant, the question isn’t so much of HOW this happened, because we all know HOW this happened, because it’s ALL that’s happened the past 17 days of blissful, secluded island newlywed life. Edward is the LAST person on Earth who should act surprised, since it is at least partially HIS doing. Now that this is beginning to get awkward,


I’m not very happy with Edward’s reaction, which is one of the few times I’ve actually been grumbly about him. What is he doing, acting all icy and cold right now? Surprise, shock, and vampire-instincts aside: that’s really no way to react to your new wife when she tells you that she is pregnant. Suddenly Edward seems to disregard how Bella might feel. Is it really so impossible for a vampire and a human to make a child? I mean, after all: this is a VAMPIRE we are talking about. I would be questioning the possibility of Edward’s existence long before I would even begin to question his offspring.

But Edward seems intent on making this situation absolutely horrible. Did he really call his child a ‘thing’? Where is the kind and considerate guy I read about in Twilight and New Moon and Eclipse, and up to now in Breaking Dawn? I’ve never seen Edward even capable of such words towards Bella or the child growing within her. Does he even know what he is suggesting: to kill Bella’s baby, the child that both of them created?

After observing Edward Cullen for so long, it is very hard for me to believe that he would suddenly turn into this monster in just a few minutes. So I’m left to believe that he is in such a shock right now that he’s not even thinking straight. He might be afraid that Bella is going to die, with so little time of them being together. As I read further, I realized that Edward might actually be blaming himself for what is happening now, and not even registering that there is a child inside Bella, but only seeing something that is a threat to her. In Edward’s mind, any threat to Bella must be dealt with. I wonder deeply what he might do when dealing with the threat might mean killing his own child.

It is wonderful, however, how much seems to change in just one, small moment for Bella. I’m sure having a child was the last thing she was expecting, being with a vampire, who, until now, couldn’t have children. I don’t ever remember her wanting children either (in fact, it seems they disgusted her before now, much like pigs did for me before Isabelle came along). But for Bella, things seem to shift quickly from fear to happiness. How is it that something like this changes someone so much? It’s not a question I can answer, obviously. But comments and emails from many TwilightMOMS mostly seem to speak the same as Bella:

“From that first little touch, the whole world had shifted.”

Of course, Bella’s news immediately reminds me of the recent announcement from Youtube/Twitube’s own Kiera:

Does a video really get happier than that?

QUESTION FOR THE COMMENTS: Do you think Edward is being a bit cold toward Bella, or is he justified in his fear that the child could kill her?


– I forgot to mention that you can begin submitting songs for specific Breaking Dawn chapters on this page.

– It’s official: I am going take trapeze lessons with Maureen Johnson while at Book Expo America. Somehow, I must get video of this… 😀



147 Responses

  1. I would be entirely against the child too, if I were Edward. The fact that this child might kill her and it would be my fault, it would really get to me too. I mean, this is different than Bella making the choice to die, or making an informed decision to stay close to the vampires, werewolves, etc., this is an accident, one neither of them are prepared for. Edward finally got Bella to postpone her death, and now she has to face it all over again?!?

  2. “Was it really a chicken?”
    I think twilight has affected your brain, Kaleb. It's right to be a bit suspicious- but I'm going to tell you something right now. It was just a chicken that was gone bad. Really. Thats all. Theres a line between suspicion and paranoia. You just crossed it!
    (Don't worry- most of us did at some point during BD)
    Anyway- how nostalgic! You're reaction was exactly the same as mine. But I'm here to defend Edward and say that us mere humans are only thinking of cute little babies and whatnot. This is the child of a vampire, and I believe that Edward suspects more about this 'little nudger' than he is letting on. Don't judge him too quickly!

  3. Oh my. I just read through my comment and realised I used 'You're' rather than 'your'

    It pains me to see that. Is there no way to edit after its posted? Anyway- in my defence I think I had been about to write something different and changed my mind. Urgh. I can't bare to see that any longer!

  4. have you read Midnight Sun? i read it right after reading twilight (while i was waiting for NM to get to the library) and it gave me a whole new look at the story, and understanding of Edward and what goes on inside his head. i totally expected Edward's reaction, as well as all the other actions he has throughout the rest of the pregnancy. Not that i'm trying to get you to read it, (some people are stubbornly refusing until it's published) but it helped me understand his thoughts much better (as well as every other character, since he hears their thoughts, too.) so i understood his actions.

    i don't think Edward understood Bella. he wasn't the one carrying a child, he wasn't the one having dreams about one. he didn't understand how much Bella loved her baby, and he didn't want to listen–he only wanted to keep Bella alive. he'd fought for her, practically killed each other several times, now he's finally married her, and now he thinks she's going to die because of something he never thought was safe in the first place? yeah, he's a little upset.

    also, Rosalie and Esme had been trying for a LONG time. so his frozen thinking state was him trying to figure it out. (and vampires think really fast, so i'm assuming there was a lot to think through.)

    but i don't agree with killing the kid.

  5. I agree with you Kaleb. Edward did get a little cold, but it is only bc he fears for Bella's life. He promised to never hurt her again and -for all he knows- he could have just killed her.

  6. As a Twilight MOM – of course I only read the books (3 times!) to make sure my teenage son wasn't going to be warped beyond recognition – I completely get Bella's reaction to her pregnancy. I never wanted kids either, til I saw the purple + sign on the pregnancy test. At that moment, I wasn't the center of the universe anymore. So it doesn't matter how you felt about kids before – those nasty little germ-fests aren't yours!

    As for Edward – men in general don't feel the connection to the child until they hold it in their arms, or at least feel it moving in Mom's belly! And since Bella is the center of his universe, and the 'thing' poses a threat to her, it is obviously the enemy at this point!

  7. You're absolutely on the mark when you said, “So I’m left to believe that he is in such a shock right now that he’s not even thinking straight.”

    When I first read it (mind you I was pregnant, and very much happy to be so) I was completely on Edward's side. Horrible, I know, but once again, her life is being threatened AGAIN, by a monster AGAIN, and to make matters worse it IS completely Edward's fault. AGAIN. He's not thinking in terms of baby blankets and cute little baby toes and fingers — it's a monster, and for all he knows, far worse than he himself. Welcome to Emo-Edward 8000.

    love your blog, btw.

  8. I think you're being narrow minded calling abortion “killing the child” the child isn't born yet, and abortion is an option that people have been fighting for a long time.

  9. I wrote a fan fiction about Edward's reaction. If you go to my profile (Justine Lark) on fanfiction.net, it is chapter two of Paradise Lost. He doesn't think it's a baby!! He thinks it's an uncontrollably monster that is going to kill the love of his life from the inside out!! You can also read my stories She Has Your Eyes and It's Your Sister for my version of some of Edward's and Rosalie's reflections of his behavior during the pregnancy.

  10. Well.

    You know Edward has always loathed what he is. He does not want to condemn Bella to it either; although she is more than willing. Now he finds that not only did he “hurt” her in the process of love-making, but IN HIS MIND he has now practically assured her death.

    He is imagining a vampire growing inside Bella. For the baby to grow so fast it must be more vampire than human. That does not mean anything good. I think that if I were in Edward's shoes my first reaction would have been the same : GET IT OUT OF HER NOW!

    I think that he thinks she is as afraid for her own life as he is for her, he thinks they are on the same page. We are in Bella's Point of View, so that is we can see that Bella is actually very happy, but of course he doesn't know this.

    I see how it seems out of character under that perspective, but the way I see it, It was just how Edward would have reacted.

  11. i think edward is scared. having read the whole book im sure that changes my view on edward's reaction.
    but i really think he was scared. i think he knows what could happen to bella and it scares him. so i thought his reaction -though i didn't agree with it- i understood it.

  12. Okay, so like alot of people on here, I had the same reaction as you did at first, but then I came to understand. Hes not really being cold towards bella, he just basically is hating himself right how. He thinks its all HIS fault that she is prego, and hes pretty sure that the baby is going to kill her. His perspective: Oh geeze, I helped put something inside of bella thats gonna kill her. So I can see why hes being so hateful.

  13. It's good to keep in mind that Bella and Edward are the first real human/vampire couple that has had sex that hasn't resulted in death for the human. There isn't really any evidence that a male vampire can get a female human pregnant in Twilightland. So, Edward's probably freaking out because he's not even sure WHAT it is. It could be an evil devil child. Remember Edward always thought he doesn't have a soul, that he's evil, so to have evil offspring in your human wife's womb is probably not the most “la-dee-dah” experience. Edward's lot in life is to keep Bella safe. So, what would your first reaction be? If you don't even see it as a baby, it's not going to occur to you that your killing your child. It's probably just seen, by Edward, to be a threat to Bella. And, as we all know, any threat to Bella must be destroyed.

  14. I think Edward is being stupid in this chapter, and chapters to come, because he dose not know what the baby is going to turn out like. YEs that would be scary, maybe even terrifiying but COME ON! It is his baby! It is not a THING! I think he had all the right in the world to be worried but to just asume that it is dangerous and want to kill it is a total over reaction, even for Edward.

  15. He's just terrified there's a monster in her that's going to hurt her. ANYTHING and I mean anything that even has the remote possibility of hurting Bella is in Edward's eyes a threat that he will take care of. He doesn't think of the baby as his and Bella's child, remember how Edward sees himself: a terrifying, repulsive monster. The mystery of what COULD be inside Bella could be a monster in Edward's perspective, something that would hurt her, like he once (or ALWAYS) thought he would end up doing; except being inside Bella, he has no control over it. He's not meaning to be cold towards Bella or the situation, he's TERRIFIED something is going to happen to her, all of his fears (in his mind) will come true. Anything else is totally disregarded. He does tend to overreact and panic, but it really is all in the love for Bella.

  16. I'm surprised nobody has commented about the other people involved. Edward was at first stunned by what he had considered to be a complete impossibility. We've just gone through 3 books of Edward's concern that any sort of intimacy with Bella would kill her. He thinks that he's finally conquered all of that and is finally getting to be comfortable with the way things are, and this comes out of nowhere–the results of intimacy threatening to harm Bella. For some reason. I never had a problem with the thought of Edward and Bella being able to procreate–I'm a big believer in suspension of disbelief in my fiction. But for Edward's character–it's something that's never even been considered.

    It's not just Edward who thinks this baby could be a threat, either. He consulted with Carlisle, and as far as we know, they were in complete agreement about “taking care of it” by removing the “thing”. Even Carlisle–Mr. Compassion, who had studied compulsively for 460-something years, felt that removing the unknown threat would be the best thing to do. Why does nobody question Carlisle in this situation? If anyone in the world would be able to keep Bella safe with this strange vampire pregnancy, it would be Carlisle.

    Another thing to consider is that Edward got so caught up in the worry that he didn't notice that Bella had a different reaction. As far as he knew, Bella had no interest in children at all. So he probably didn't even consider the possibility that she could want some monster child growing in her. At this point, he still hasn't really dealt with his feelings of being a soulless monster, and continues to worry about taking away Bella's soul (and would probably be fighting changing her, even still if this new greater threat hadn't come up). But at least he could remember a time of being human–of having a soul. And Bella would have also had her time of humanity. But how would he think of a creature (to him, just a product of a biological process) who began existance as a soulless monster. He sees only the monster half, forgetting the fact that a child they made would also be half Bella, even if he saw no redeeming qualities in the half he contributed.

    But all that being said, as a mother who has tried very hard to be able to have children, and having suffered pregnancy loss way more times than anyone should ever have to do, I was seriously ticked at Edward's reaction. And I would not, as Bella did, hide my own reaction. I would have made my point swiftly and loudly, without resorting to making secret deals with others. Even if Edward was mad at her for wanting to try to keep the baby, he could not have done anything to harm her. And she should have known that the best thing for her to do at that point was to go immediately to see Carlisle for medical care since no other doctor in the world could help…

    The chapter titles in Section 2 coming up soon for you are one of my favorite things about BD. They crack me up every time. Enjoy.

  17. Honestly, having had four children myself, I can understand the thinking and distance. For me personally, it's not until I hear the heartbeat or see the little bean that the reality of having a baby really hits. With the news, reality not fully setting in, it's easy to jump to concern on how the pregnancy will effect Bella. Knowing how Edward is thinking two steps head in protecting Bella, all the reality of what could happen was overwhelming, not to mention, such a thing totally caught him off guard. What is really wonderful it how the story continues…

  18. Ed is most definitely not justified in his disgust for Bella's baby. But to see things from a man's perspective, as i cannot fully, not being a man, men are afraid of the commitment that a child will entail and of having to grow up too fast. He just got married and he will always be only 17. He's very much not ready to be a father, but he was ready to be a husband after waiting over 80 years. Now that he's a husband and knows nothing about what vampire-human hybrids entail, he is afraid for his wife's life, leaving him widowed when his desire to be a husband was just fulfilled. That aside, wanting to kill a child is never justifiable, going against the majorly pro-life beliefs of the Cullens in not killing humans.

  19. So I take it that you'll want children? That's the impression I got from reading this 🙂

    Anyway, you made me laugh, as usual 🙂

  20. Hmm, I think as you keep reading the answer to that will become evident. Edward has some suspicions about what will follow, I believe.

    I have a suggestion (if you even read these comments haha) that you have a song for each “book” of Breaking Dawn. You probably noticed that it begins with Book One: Bella. Each “book” has a very different feel, so each one could have a song.

  21. I too have a very low tolerance for fatty foods and unfortunately for me I had half of a breakfast sandwich this morning that was a little to greasy and I don’t feel so well 

  22. My first post ever – first on TGuy, first on any forum. Woohoo! I've enjoyed reading and watching from the sidelines, but I just have to say something here…

    I'm surprised at all the negative comments here about Edward, and even Carlisle. I mean, don't get me wrong… I absolutely agree that their reaction is the exact opposite of the warm and supporting family we have come to know and love through this saga. And even though Bella seems to have done a 180 on the whole idea of having children, especially when she's this young (remember this was part of why she was so hesitant about getting married in the first place!), she has the right to expect her opinion on the matter to be sought and deferred to. But think about it – why would Carlisle of all people not give the abortion idea a second thought? Why does Edward call the fetus “it”?

    Sure, nobody thought there was any possibility of children out of this marriage, and of course everyone is justifiably concerned about Bella's safety considering the huge potential for harm if Bella brings this baby into the world. And of course Edward is feeling very guilty right now, for all the reasons already discussed. Still, no matter what the typical timeline for a father to bond with his child, this is certainly not a typical reaction, even in this dire situation…? I really think their reactions go far beyond these concerns – I can't imagine these issues alone would generate this reaction in Edward, and certainly not in Carlisle.

    The answer, I believe, is in the stories of the Immortal Children. In a world full of “monsters” (vampires), these are the true monsters – uncontrollable, ravaging, insatiable.

    This is the only frame of reference the Cullens have when thinking about vampire children. They aren't ONLY thinking about the danger the child presents to Bella, they truly believe this creature is a MONSTER that doesn't deserve to live. They certainly haven't given any thought to the idea of a half-vampire / half-human, or how that might change the nature of the child – this idea of a vampire procreating is just too new.

    Anyway… I didn't have any difficulty cutting Edward some slack here (even tho I railed at him at some of his bone-headed choices earlier in the series), especially when I read about Carlisle's reaction. Sure – they should have been much more considerate of Bella's desires – they should have at least ASKED what she wanted – but I also see their perspective, too.

  23. WIth not much time to read the many comments above, I apologize if I repeat anything. First, this took me by surprise. I should have seen it coming but I get too wrapped up in the present when I'm reading to think about stuff that happened in the past. Second, I felt the exact same way Edward did. (And if you've read Taltos from the Witches Series by Anne Rice you would know why). I wanted that thing out of her just as much if not more than Edward. In my head Bella was being the biggest Jackass ever and no good could come of being friendly with Rosalie.

    That being said.. I loved the way it turned out. I am still totally disgusted when I read parts of this book and have no idea how a movie could be made from it scaring people into sleepless nights forever. But I loved it. Have fun with the rest of the book. No idea how you can only do one chapter at a time. I read all 4 books in 9 days.

  24. I have to add one more thing. What about the fact that Bella had been pregnant for like what… 10 whole days maybe???? And she already is feeling it move. I'm sorry, but that's totally freaky and all parties should be buggin out!

  25. I actually think that Edward is justified in his reaction, as is Bella. To him this should never have happened, he shouldn't have been able to get her pregnant. He has once again put her life in danger and that is something he has promised never to do to her ever again. I also think he is partly in shock over this, and probably uncertain of how to respond. If he calls the nudger an “it” then he is distancing himself and keeping it at bay. If he doesn't reconcile the idea of the baby being his and Bella's, something they created, then he can continue to see it as something that is harming Bella. He has seen that Esme and Rosalie have not been able to have babies, so the fact that he was able to impregnate Bella is just a complete departure from what he has ever known.
    Just keep reading!!

  26. I think all Edward is thinking about right now is Bella, and he thinks she's going to die with this thing inside her. He doesn't even know if it's a child, exactly. It could be anything. Oh, and, knowing Edward, he is definately blaming himself for this.

    I feel really dumb, because when I saw Maureen Johnson, I though RENT immediately…

  27. Honestly, I think his reaction is pretty justified. He is entirely consumed that this child could be a threat to her life. He's infuriated with himself for putting her in danger, once again. That's why I feel he wasn't acting too irrationally.

  28. I didn't look at any of the other comments, so sorry if i repeat anything anyone else has said.
    But, i can see what Edward is thinking. To himself, he is a horrible monster (we've covered this extensively, lol). So, naturally, that baby, which is mostly vampire, is also a horrible monster. It's going to kill his beloved Bella. And he thinks that Bella is mad at him for risking her life. It doesn't even occur in his mind that Bella may want to keep the little devil. So, of course, this problem needs to be taken care of. And the only way to take care of it, and save Bella's life, is to destroy the baby. End of story…
    But, yeah, he was in shock, i agree. A LOT of shock. But, when you read on, you'll notice that that is how vampires deal with shock–by growing still and quiet for a long time. And after he's over that initial shock, Edward is freaking out!
    So, when you think like Edward, his actions are so justified, it's unquestionable.

  29. They give you a week to study for finals? Life is not fair. The best I get is not having to go to my Friday Spanish class *glare*

    “Coincidental lack of clothing at opportune times which led to the revelation of all of the above.” AHAHAHA! Poor Kaleb. You are so out of your element reading this book =)

    When I first read this, I was really pissed at Edward too. He was being the biggest (insert appropriate curse word here) ever, more so than Jacob ever was in Eclipse. But Bella doesn't know what Edward does…the extreme hazards of what having this “baby” can do to Bella. Based on his knowledge, it will certainly kill her, after she goes through intense pain. So yeah, he wants to get the “thing” out. I don't approve of his behavior, but he was in shock, he knows what could happen to her, and we all forgot…he is still very much 17. Most guys who knock up a girl at 17 go into complete shock, suggest abortions, or leave the girl. Edward has lived a hundred some years and he would never leave Bella, but he is still at the emotional human age of 17.

    Bella never thought about children, true. But when most women get unexpectedly pregnant, they become pretty dedicated to the baby, especially if they really loved the guy who helped with the process lol.

    Once again, if you think this is awkward…just wait. This whole middle section of the book is just…*shiver*. I'm curious to what you think of Edward in the next part. Most people were like, “I HATE YOU NOW!” but I actually forgave his rotten behavior in this chapter and began to feel immensely sorry for him. But I'm really, really excited for you to get to a few chapters in particular *evil grin*

    Oh, what did you think of the end of this chapter? Bella called Rosalie! I was like, “WHAT!?” That made me quickly flip to the next page haha.

    And I love the Twicurls video! YAY FOR NUDGERS!!

  30. You're right. Edward doesn't see it as a child, he sees it as a threat. It's a life form not of his and Bella's making but a life form that will take her life. Because he is a vampire Edward sees himself as a monster and how could that change when his offspring is half of a monster and living inside of his purpose of existence? He tried to leave her before and it didn't work out well, so when we think about how he did try to save her from himself (and lets face it, Bella's a danger magnet, it was never about him specifically), he is very capable of extracting without second thought something that could kill her. I'm possible a cruel and cold person for saying this, but I took Edward's side. It's easy not to think of the “thing” as a child, not when it was half vampire because there are a lot of questions there. How is its temperament? How will it grow? How will Bella give birth? Will it develop emotionally stable? It is once again an example of how Bella loved things that normal people wouldn't. To Edward it's a threat. To Bella it's their child. It can be easy to see it either way but as a reader I was worried for Bella's safety but if we put ourselves in either of their situations, could we feel much different from them? I don't think so.

  31. Duuuude… the chicken didn't go bad. It's called “morning sickness,” which I can tell you from personal experience sucks the big patootie (that's a medical term).

  32. When I first read that part of the book, I was furious with Edward. WHAT WAS HIS PROBLEM??? But, to understand his situation more fully, you need to read on. His reaction made perfect sense to me, and then I got a little frustrated with Bella and then with Rosalie, and finally with Jacob. Even though Edward did some pretty disgusting, and in my opinion, things that I would never forgive, and I'm sure you won't either. But his despair can allow me to get inside his head. Personally, I wasn't happy with anyone during her pregency. But, when all is said and done, the world became a happy place again. YAY!

  33. Personally, if I was a guy, and if I was Edward in the situation he is now, I would call the baby a thing as well. You don't know what it is. It might not even be a human. It might be some mutant alien type thing that they don't call their offspring “babys”, but something more complex like…I don't know, just something different. So, I would call it a thing.

  34. I think he's in shock, and see's the baby as a threat to Bella yes, but, I also think he was being very unlike himself and yes, extremely cold.

  35. Kaleb, of course Edward is justified!! This is the first time that he even knew that he COULD produce a child with a human, let alone that he WOULD. He's got to be more than a little bit shocked. Plus, he has no idea what the baby really is, or what it will do to Bella, or why it grew so fast, or how fast it will grow, how strong it will be, how compatible with Bella's body it is……there are so many things he doesn't know, and he does know he could lose Bella from this, so he's probably terrified. And, if you would remember, before he talked to Carlisle he clearly had NO IDEA how the heck he was going to deal with this kid/vampire/thing, but Carlisle told him that aborting was the best thing to do. Carlisle is a doctor who knows equal amounts about humans and vampires, and Edward has “Grown Up” trusting him. If Carlisle says get it out, he must get it out. And then he talks to this Kaure lady, who tells him stories about wives dying from this, and even walks right over to Bella, lays her hand on Bella's stomach, and says death (in portugese). Not the best way to calm a frantic Edward down. I completely understand Edward in this part, because both he and I are very paranoid people. He is expecting the worst to come out of this, and is so insane with worry that he cant calm himself down enough to even consider that it might not be a bad thing.

    And, BTW, the chicken didn't go bad. That was from the pregnancy.

  36. OMG I love that twiCurls video! I am so happy for Kiera!! So this chapter of Breaking Dawn is were it all gets weird for me. Everything was perfect in all the other books, but this was just weird. I do hate his reaction! I was pretty mad at him. That's not the Edward I know! I understand he is in shock, but why would he want to kill the baby?!?! Bella wants the baby and he always wants her to be happy and give her what she wants. Why does he feel so threatened by the child? I just really don't know…this is the part where I feel all the characters change…

  37. I say no, he wasn't justified. He accused Bella of having a one-track mind last book, but when you think about it, he's the one who can only focus on one thing–keep Bella safe at all costs. He thinks the baby is a demon, not a sweet little baby, though, so maybe he has a slight point. But he's completely convinced that anything that is a danger to Bella is automatically evil. However, he doesn't even consider the possibility that it's not a monster, like the immortal children, but maybe even on the opposite end of the spectrum.
    I absolutely loved when Bella called Rosalie at the end of the chapter. Very dramatic end to Book One.

  38. Okay. that is a hard question to answer.
    To Edward, he is totally justified in his reaction. And I can definitally see, given what Edward knows, why he reacts so strongly and negatively to the baby. Because to him, this is a huge threat to everyone. You'll figure it out later, though.
    BUT, Edward's behavior to Bella is not justified at all. Just because he things the baby is a threat to everything does not mean that he can treat his wife like that. He should talk to her, explain it, and not just tell her the baby's a “thing” and not good for her, blah blah blah.

    So… in short, this is the point where Breaking Dawn goes towards the territory of fanfiction writing and where I started to get a little pissed at Edward. But, Book Two is fast approching and that is my favorite part of the book, so it's all good 🙂

  39. gah, I meant “just because he THINKS” not things.
    your terrible grammer hatemail posts are getting to me, lol

  40. Hmmmm… Edward has some issues I think. I'm Team Edward, but what kind of dummy wants to kill a baby? I don't know, and if I go into too much detail I'll never shut up, so I'll end it there. 🙂

    By the way, I LOVE how you're using the font from your book now. It's awesome. 🙂

  41. um i can see both POV's becasue at first to be honest i was like is this going to be like an undead child? if it was which is what i think edward was thinking it is an abomination and totally uncontrolable. but then i see from bella's POV with the dreams and all that she could totally want this child her little Edward Jacob-lolz but opps renesmee lolz anywho that's what i think

  42. Having read the book… several times, I DO think Edward is justified in his fears. You'll see why…
    I don't think he's being cold… he thinks that HE is a monster and so any offspring of his would be a monster too, right? (yeah, not my opinion, but obviously his..) He doesn't really think of it as a bouncing bundle of joy. Bella is the most important thing to him, his life, and so if she is in danger, he will definately want to do something about it. You will understand this entire situation more as you read on.

  43. I like the picture of the “Chicken gone bad” it's cute… Hahaha… Poor Kaleb, having to read all about Edward and Jacob's… anatomy. About Edward's reaction to Bella's pregnancy, you gotta take into account that Edward sees himself as a monster and he didn't even think that he could make Bella pregnant. So, if he's a monster and creating a baby isn't really possible (in his mind) then in his mind, that 'thing' that is growing inside Bella is a monster as well and it's going to cause Bella harm. Bella is always his first priority and you'll see just how far he's willing to go to ensure her safety (as if what he did in New Moon wasn't enough 😀 ) as you read on….

    Aww!!!! that was sooo cute! Congratulations to her! She's gonna have her own little nudger!!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EXAMS! ^^

  44. ohh no!!! don't think that! i guess you havnt read the 'midnight sun' chapters on stephanie's site? but it really gives you a glimpse into Edwards character. he is so upset because he always feels like he's ruining Bella's life. & yet again (in his mind) has put her in danger. He's not looking at it likes its a baby like bella does,hes looking at it like its a monster he has created & is threatening her life… i take my twilight so seriously! hahaha! keep reading! your questions will be answered! 😀

  45. Edward is complelety justified in his reaction to the …. baby.

    A lotta people think they know Edward, but can you imagine him being happy about this? Something that has never happened before in the history of forever, something that is completely unknown, inside Bella. Bella, the love of his life, whom he is so protective and overly- loving towards.

    Just trust me, Kaleb, don't get grumbly towards Edward. And if you don't trust me, then trust your judgement because all us Edward worshippers will totally kill you if you're mean to Edward. =D I'm joking. You're too awesome to kill, Kaleb. =D

  46. I think Edward is right to be concerned, because this baby is definitely a turning point for both of them. The baby puts him in an awkward position, because he is torn between protecting Bella's physical wellbeing or respecting her wishes. Bella has a history of being reckless, so Edward always has to weigh out what she wants with what is best for her.

    Besides, for some people, it takes awhile for them to develop an emotional attachment to a growing baby, especially in the early stages. It's easier for women. They can feel their bodies change, so there is an earlier emotional attachment.

    Like most loving fathers, Edward will come around and do what's best for the family, and find a way to respect Bella's wishes.

    Everyone, please check out my personal web site http://www.sarahlenorewright.com.

    The creation of this site was inspired by Kaleb Nation and Stephanie Meyer (although it is a personal site, not a fansite).

    I have included original poetry, book reviews, and play lists. Of course, Bran Hambric and Twilight will always be a topic of conversation! Check me out and let me know what you think!

  47. I think that Edward is not thinking straight. he's not registering that what Bella has is the child they created. He's only thinking that the baby will KILL her if he/she stays inside her. Since Edward lost Bella once, he's own doing, he doesn't want to go through that again, especially since they are now married.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts w/ us Kaleb and good luck w/ everything!

  48. Edward might not be completely justified to react the way he did BUT he did get one hell of a shock…His vampire brain probably started calculating stuff out..How it couls have happened? how it was possible? What would happen to bella? etc etc.

    Calling the Baby a thing was cold though.

  49. Yes…when I first read it I thought how odd for Edward to be so cold, however not odd that he is capable of coldness but odd that it was in reaction to him knocking Bella up. Then you read and put together what the cleaning lady was saying to him about the mother' dying and I think the fear gripped him. He's always hated himself for putting Bella in danger, especially danger that could possibly end her life, and here he is yet again threatening her life just because he loves her. I think he was so shaken and disgusted with himself (if you read Midnight Sun's first 12 chapters on Stephenie's site you'd understand this) that he could be the death of her yet again.

    So I understood where he came from. Remember he did say the night before the wedding when they were in Bella's room that he wished Charlie had been right and Bella was pregnant because he didnt want to deprive her of being a mother eventually, and he also implied he wished he could be a father. So I think his coldness stemmed from the unknown…not knowing what the child would be, how it would affect Bella's health and possibly the rest of her mortality, and then realising that it was his own fault for consenting to it in the first place. Besides we all know Edward is prone to overreaction when it comes to Bella lol.

    Kaleb that chicken picture is hilarious lol! The chiken wasn't actually bad at all…she was having morning sickness. That right there was a tool of foreshadowing in terms of the baby's diet….I'll leave it at that!

  50. I think Edward acted in a way that was totally expected…he has loathed himself his whole existence until he met Bella and now something he did to her is probably going to kill her.

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