A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 9 (Sure As Hell Didn’t See That One Coming)

The song for this chapter is Remember by Big Dismal


Today is the start of that glorious time known as Summer Break, in which my free time increases rapidly only to be immediately filled again even more rapidly. As pointed out regularly in my complaint-mail, at the current rate of reading I might finish Breaking Dawn in a matter of 9 months. NINE?! That was the old Kaleb. THIS IS THE NEW KALEB WRITING. New, as in, suddenly realizing it is time to get down to business and start reading more, faster, and more often. Shorter posts? Perhaps. But more often? Heck yes. No ridiculous 9 months for me.

The whole hiding-food thing that Jacob and Billy have to do when Paul is around is no strange thing to me. I grew up in a house with five children (four were hungry boys) and two parents, and anytime my mom wanted things of the tasty nature (AKA chocolate) she would be forced to hide it or else one of us would have our paws in it. I, being the perfect child, never used any of my detective skills to sleuth out these hiding places and said treats.

I also did not have a detective suit.

This werewolf thing with eating all the time still has me wondering about who pays the grocery bills. After all, I don’t really observe the werewolves working. They always seem to be loafing around the house and eating chips or watching television, and punching each other in the nose. They’re really much like a bunch of dogs with no owner. With the amount of food they’re eating, somebody’s got to be ponying up the cash, because they certainly aren’t surviving on berries and honeycombs.

Jacob’s concerns aren’t really with that ridiculousness though. He’s got a plan. Even if the wolf pack won’t do anything about Bella and the Cullens, once again Jacob is going to get himself into a fight. Why does this not surprise me? Still, I find it so amusing that Jacob’s vision can be so distorted simply by his hatred for the Cullens. To him, the whole place reeks of a strange ‘vampire smell’ and their  house has ‘no life around the big white crypt’.


But then on page 171, things begin to get quite interesting. In fact, I was taken very much by surprise. Because, for some reason, in reading the Twilight Saga, I have not consciously realized that it has singularly been from Bella’s viewpoint. I take that back: I have realized it is from her viewpoint, but because most books are not written as Stephenie has done (as in, in the last book, changing viewpoints to an entirely different character) I haven’t really tried to delve into the heads of everyone else. Due to this, I have never seen Bella through Jacob’s eyes, or anyone else’s eyes for that matter.

This is very important. I am a guy, and this book has been through a girl’s perspective the entire time (which admittedly gets painful at times, especially when Edward has mysteriously misplaced his clothing). I have never gotten any description of Bella from any other guy’s mind: everything I have heard has come from her own, which is blatantly dull. But when Jacob describes Bella so vividly, with her eyes and her face, and his heart beating reapidly like ‘a strange broken meter’ I suddenly came to realize, in one great moment, exactly why Jacob has never given up on her.

It’s a big revelation for me, who has abhorred Jacob for a very long time (regular readers can attest to this). I have the tendency to villify Jacob because I’ve never had the chance to get into his head, and for some reason I drew comparisons between him and other guys I have met who are shallow individuals and manipulate their girlfriends using the same twisted techniques it appeared Jacob used. But getting into Jacob’s head, I realize that what he has done for so long might not be through an utter disregard of Bella and Edward, but through an enormous and exhausting desperation to ‘save her’ from the vampire and his seductive wiles.

I see this is a very vulnerable time for both Jacob and Edward. But that could be what they need. It is true they both love Bella, and there is no getting around it: they will be forced to live with this somehow, even though she is Edward’s, and Jacob should rightfully make way because of that fact. Jacob will always be this presence in their lives, because Bella isn’t strong enough to let him go. But the fact that Edward actually lets Jacob see his weakness, and his fear, and his helplessness, really means something. Edward isn’t up for a fight. He just wants Bella alive: and he seems willing to go back and let Jacob have her, if only for her to stay that way.

“You should have left Bella with me.” Jacob said.

“Yes.” It was a bit late for that though.

It is hard for me to come up with anything humorous as I near the ending of this chapter, because things have sunk into such a seriousness that it doesn’t even seem right. Edward truly is willing to do anything. How far into depression and fear must one sink in order to offer his new wife to his archenemy? Does anyone even understand how deeply Edward loves Bella, and how utterly insane he must be over keeping her alive? If everything went exactly as he is offering, he would claw his eyes out every single time Bella stayed overnight with Jacob. It would be an indescribable pain just imagining her with someone else, simply because he cannot give her children that aren’t a threat to her life. Edward is desperate. The last time he was, he nearly killed himself in Volterra. It hurts to see him this way.

QUESTION FOR THE COMMENTS: Do you think it is alright for Edward to offer to ‘share’ Bella with Jacob, even if it is to save her life?


– That picture really is a 7-year-old me 😀

– Kim Harrison, co-contributer to Stephenie Meyer on Prom Nights From Hell, wrote a wonderful blurb for my writing, which you can read here.



156 Responses

  1. an awesome and insightful post yet again kaleb!

    i really liked this chapter because you got to see everything that was happening from jacobs point of view for the first time!
    i don't think edward really knew what he was offering at the time, because i can't imagine how he would deal with bella being with jacob, even if it was for a short time. seeing edward like this, like jacob put it, 'like something was burning him from inside' ( i know its not the exact words !) really touched me and showed me just how much he cares about and loves bella. obviiously more than anything , ever. it was pretty touching…but i was oddly annoyed with edward during this part of the book. i kept screaming 'can't you see that she doen't want just any baby, but THAT baby?!' i was very frustrated that edward couldn't get past the idea that Bella was in danger to see that he wanted to kill his own child that bella desperatly wanted. but it also made me love edward that much more, seeing how much he cared for bella…

    anyway, i really agreed with what you said about the chapter!
    and personally i would rather have to wait a while to read your long in depth posts than get meesly paragraph everyday!
    take your time, thats why everyone loves what you say about the books, because you don't just speed right through them

  2. Kaleb, if you liked reading the story from somebody else's point of view, you'll love reading the Midnight Sun's draft. Edward's point of view of Twilight is truly amazing! There you'll see more of how Edward feels for Bella. I really hope Stephenie decides to finish it up soon!

  3. I was shocked for about 5 seconds and then I realized his character. Edward at one point wished it was a shotgun wedding when Charlie thought Bella was pregnant. He wished she was because he wanted to give her things and not take them away. He at the time didn't know a vampire male could reproduce with a human girl. It was easy to assume that since two vampires couldn't then he couldn't give her children either. Or so one would think. So now he's NOT only shocked that he could but quite upset that it could kill her. So there is a bit of dark irony in that. Sad irony. Edward is insanely depressed at this point and is wiling to keep his wife alive at any price but also once more he wants to give her what she wants. He doesn't want to force anything because he wants her to have free will and he's been controlling before over what's best for her for a brief moment in eclipse. But he's learned that isn't the best way either. He can't make her give her child up and he wouldn't want to in a sense. He wants her to give up the child that is killing her but wants her to be able to have her wish, and still let her have her own children. Bella once said to him when he wished they were getting married because she was pregnant, that if they wanted children they could always adopt. So to speak. Well now Bella is a mother already in her head. She's pregnant and wants children of her own. Edward sees this and goes to his enemy for help. It seems logical in his bizarre head. But is it alright? I don't know if it's alright but Bella appears to be dying. What else could an insane person think of at time like this? He loves Bella enough to offer her as he puts it “puppies”. Oh and just so you know you'll be surprised throughout this book. I won't give spoilers but I know the whole thing shocked the heck out of me.

  4. I love your blogs because you're so observant & opened. Unlike these crazy obsessed girls who just pick a random side. So, anyway, in that exact chapter, I believe that Edward states that no one can hate him more than he hate himself. Correct me if I'm wrong. Edward is amazing but I don't think anyone can be iligeble to love anyone if they don't respsect themselves. In this case, Meyer just wants to demonstrate how much Edward feels sorrow. This is a fictional book. I think that Edward is very desperate. I'm not sure by what you mean by 'is it alright'…But, if you're asking “is it right”..then, it depends. If it's what they all agree to [which they don't], then it can be right.

  5. I… I… I…
    (sigh) okay. this is something that's hard for me to describe.
    When i read the part about “having puppies”, I just sat in shock for a few minutes. seriously.
    words can't describe how messed up that is…
    the thought of that actually happening… it's just a concept i can't accept. i refuse to accept it.
    …[lol. realize, that after reading BD six times, i'm still just sitting here, staring at the screen in shock. again. gahh! it's just SO wrong!]

  6. Hi Kaleb, First, congrats on the blurbs. I'm doing my pre-order tomorrow. Second, I never hated Jacob, and you really should read Being Jacob Black on Stephenie's site to get more insight on him. SM constantly makes the point that Jake is a 16 year old boy, and he makes mistakes. Her extras on the New Moon site give your more insight into what exactly Edward goes through without Bella. He really is having a nervous breakdown over the thought of losing her, and it's making him think crazy thoughts. He's nuts to think Bella would ever agree to that. Obviously, she want this baby because it's Edward's, not because she always wanted a baby (that's Rosalie and Esme).

  7. Sorry, but your comment is so not true. Jacob never hurt anyone when he phased. He was the most controlled of all of the werewolves. Also, the werewolves were only out of control the first few months after they first started transforming.

    When Sam hurt Emily, it was an accident. It would have never happened if he wasn't such a young “wolf” at the time. No ohter member of the pack ever hurt anyone, only protected them.

    Even Edward recognized that Bella was safe with Jacob and with all of the wolves. If she wasn't, he never would have let her around them, no matter how much she wanted to be around them.

    I'm sorry, but you are just letting your prejudiced toward Jacob color your opinion.

    You have a right to your opinion, but Jacob is not dangerous to Bella, just the opposite.

  8. I think edward is a jerk in this book, first he calls his own baby a thing then he's planning on Jacob having babies with Bella without thinking about what she wants. And what she wants is this baby. Though I dont like Edward in New Moon or Eclipse either +/ what happen to the Edward we all know and love from Twilight?

  9. hei kaleb…..this is my first tym and im so glad….

    well,to answer your question…i dont think so….he shouldnt have suggested that…because he knows it will hurt bella's feeling her husband want to throw her away or something like that….like he wants her to be shared even thought its for her own good….and edward should understand that its not any baby bella wants..it's THEIR baby she wants….

  10. Oh yes, this is a VERY depressing chapter….. By the way, I probably would've respected you quite a bit less if you tried to joke at a point in the story like that one. So thanks for that….. I can't say that Edward is wrong in asking Jacob to give her a baby. He is, as Jacob points out, literally, crazy over this. It's like pleading insanity in court. Is he wrong, if right and wrong suddenly mean something very different to him? Edward's making all kinds of sick and twisted requests in this chapter. Like making sure that Jacob would kill him in the event of Bella's death. Seeing how crazy he is, even through Jacob's eyes, is too much, and it very effectively emphasizes how much pain he is in. I agree with some of the other posts; this chapter makes breathing normally a bit difficult.

    But unlike some of the other posts, I have rarely condemned any of those three (Bella, Edward, or Jacob) for their actions. It's all too easy for me to put myself in their shoes, and it's easy for me to see their line of thinking. I've always loved Edward AND Jacob because of that. I never thought of Jacob as manipulative (even though he did a lot of that in Eclipse) because he wasn't doing it just to do it or just because he liked inflicting pain on others. He was a 16 year-old werewolf who was desperate to save the life of the girl he loved. In comparison with Edward, Jacob can seem like a jerk, but you have to remember that he doesn't have Edward's century-or-so of life experience. Which brings me back to how much pain Edward is in. Jacob may never have suggested something like that, but maybe it's because he hasn't been alive long enough to feel such anguish. Like he says, “For a second I was just a kid…Just a child…I would have to live a lot more, suffer a lot more, to ever understand…” So is it alright? I think that no one really has the scope to answer that question definitively because most of us are probably much more like Jacob than Edward (what with the eighty-odd years head start).

    I will save some of my comments for later, seeing as they would spoil the next few chapters….But, boy, there sure is a lot to discuss….And I am a little bit sorry for taking up so much room; I tend to ramble… : )

  11. I feel the exact same way about Jacob. I had liked him before, but after all the drama that had happened in Eclipse I really did not like him at all. However, I came to really like him after reading Breaking Dawn. I think it was truly interesting to get inside another character's head, especially to see why Jacob acts the way he does. I think the problem with me was that I was constantly comparing him to Edward, when it's like comparing apples and oranges. Edward is five times Jacob's age and has lived through a lot more, naturally they should be different. It was good to see how he felt, and his chapter titles are hilarious.

    I could really feel Edward's pain in this chapter. It was truly heart-wrenching for me. He is so desperate that he would let Bella use Jacob for children. Not only is he disregarding Jacob's emotional health, but also his. I don't think it was right, but if i had Edward's state of mind at that moment (his demon spawn is killing his beloved) i think I would be desperate enough to do that. I would have loved to see this chapter from Edward's point of view. Actually, anything from Edward's point of view is excellent. I find his mind much more interesting. I hope Stephenie continues Midnight Sun.

  12. Oh and with your candy finding, I know all the secret spots. But don't delve too far into your parents drawers, or you'll find things you really really do not want to. I am scarred for life.

  13. goodness…this post yesterday has only earned few comments and now its flooded im truly regretful that i did'nt comment yesterday…

    well answering you question

    no,i believe its not that okay for edward………
    but thinking that this would make her wife happy and safe..
    (well of course bella won't be.that's why my word was thinking not knowing)
    he is ready to trade all of the pain in imagining(or maybe knowing)that bella was sleeping with someone
    for his wife.

    ouch ouch..

    now i feel super impressed by edward.

    but- ahem- im a girl
    like what jacob said if i were bella i would also punch you-no matter how it hurts-if you asked or said that to me.
    well most specially offended by my husband for suggesting that..and the confusin of feeling for so much gratitude that
    he would conquer or pass the boundary of that pain to make me happy and safe ..

    still its wrong.

    and as bella pointed out she doesn't even care of having a baby before.
    its well..we all know abortion is a grave sin..(well of course this is a not the very normal situation)
    but its already there.and what can you do with the feeling of the mother towards of what she's carrying.

    anyways kaleb your super cute!!!!!when you were seven i mean,

  14. I know many readers were really, really mad about Edward's idea sharing Bella. In normal life I never would support such an idea, but I totally get Edward's point of view. Edward didn't care as long as Bella would be alive. He would have sacrificed everything for her by assuring that she would live. If that would include sharing or loosing Bella to Jacob – so let be it. It shows – as you also mentioned – the deep love from Edward.

    In the long run it would hurt Edward like hell and the simple idea probably drives him crazy even while offering it. It must have been one the hardest moments in his entire life. I think some circumstances simply have a different meaning compared to the normal human beings. I totally suspected that Nessie would turn out to be a demon baby – no one knew what to expect! I don't think you can blame Edward for giving up his own happiness to ensure that the love of his life is happy. That simply shows how deep, selfless and good Edward is. It was heartbreaking to read!

  15. Ok I know you posted this two days ago and probably havn't been back, but I had to comment on it. First I have to say it's nice seeing that guys are willing to read this book even if it might be a lil girly for them, but all the same it's kind of sexy 😀

    Your question at the end though. I think it was alright for Edward to do that, because of his undying love for Bella. He doesn't want to lose her, and what he offered to Jacob was all he could do to keep her in his life. What I thought was wrong aout it, was Jacob accually went through with it. Even though Jacob thought it was crazy, he still went to Bella and “asked” her about it. That's the part that I didn't like. Of course it could be the fact that I'm not a big Jacob fan, but still. Any guy in his right mind shouldn't really be willing to “share” another guys wife, no matter what the cost or how they feel.

  16. I totally agree with you, Ancha85.

    That was just an absurd comment from a Jacob hater.

    But you forgot to mention that Jacob actually saves Bella more times than Edward. No one take that into account because it's Jacob, but oh well… Even Edward said so himself.

  17. Umm… no offense, Kaleb, but I always knew that about Jacob… and I'm on Team Edward…
    So… I've been a bit annoyed at all the Jacob-bashing comments triggered by your own slight dislike of him in your posts. I never get HOW people can hate Jacob, ESPECIALLY after BD. It makes no sense to me. But then, that's just my opinion.

    To answer your question: As long as Edward didn't force Bella to do anything, which he didn't, I don't think it's a big deal what he's doing to Bella. In all honesty, it's a lot meaner to Jacob. He gives and gives and gives and gives (face it, he does, including coming to the wedding) and Edward and Bella just keep asking for more. So… I'm upset about what they did to him. And you said Edward “offered”–he didn't. He practically forced. Again, I'm on Team Edward, but I can recognize that.

    Poor Jacob.

  18. I think… it was a lot more unfair to Jacob than it was to Bella. Don't get me wrong, I'm a total feminist, and 100% Team Edward, but just look at what it does to him. He's just going to get ripped up–again–and Bella will be too distracted by the baby and Edward to worry much about him. He gives a lot to Bella–even to Edward, though of course it's always for Bella whether or not Edward wants him to do it or not–and he's just left out in the cold. I think Bella should understand Edward's motives, and maybe he knows that, but Jacob will just get rejected again.

    Poor Jacob.

  19. (Sorry, I don’t know how both of those got up there. I could have sworn that one of them had gotten lost.)

  20. Wait to see Midnight Sun.the edward's mind is so fascinating…a little bit scary but amazing.i'm so sorry that stephanie meyer will never finish it…or maybe she will.
    this was a difficult situation for everybody but i liked rosalie because she seems to have a soul after all…when i was reading about edward and his reactions it was really hard for me because i understood his pain and his desperation of loosing bella.i was sorry for jacob too…and for bella even if i was shocked of what the baby is doing to her.i don't know what to say about edward.how desperate u have to be to do this.i understand but i don't understand in the same time…

  21. I love the Jacob chapters, too. as for the question, i honestly couldn't believe that edward did that, but it makes sense in a twisted way, you know? But i don't think edwdard was thinking clearly, and it would have completely ripped everyone involved up. It's just a bad idea all around, i think.

  22. Never actually thought about the fact that Bella might accept Jacob/Edward's offer to have kids. You put a vivid image in my head when you said something about Bella spending the night with Jake.
    And I guess it's not exactly fair to do that to Bella or to Jake. If you put yourself in Bella's shoes, that would probably make you feel extremely guilty. And Bella being Bella she would fell guilty towards Edward and towards Jake.
    It's not fair to Jake because as much as he loves Bella, he's been turned down by her many times. and as he has pointed out, he would be able to picture that life and have it all go where?
    Plus the whole topic opens up the whole love triangle of Eclipse again. As much as we love that dealio, who really wants to have a rerun of choices and crap like that!

  23. I don't really think that Jacob and Edward understand what Bella wants. They really don't know what she is feeling. If Bella wanted to have Jacob's child she would have married him. I can't believe that he woul even suggest sharing Bella with someone else. No women really wants to be shared.

  24. Alright, so that picture of you is ADORABLE! I know how you feel about this chapter. it really was painful wasn't it? I felt really bad for Edward seeing him in enough pain to sink to that level. As for the grocery thing…I have been wondering the same thing….

  25. So true Alba, So true…

    Glad to have someone else on here to help me defend Jake. Too many people see him through “Edward-tinted” glasses, which distorts him somewhat.

    Hey, do you live in Spain? I am a Native Speaker Spanish teacher in Texas!

    Es un placer conocer a alguien mas que mira lo bonito que es Jacob Black!!

  26. I don't think it was a good idea for Edward to offer up Bella like that but it is kinda an Edward thing to do. He would do ANYTHING to keep Bella safe, and most of the time, happy : )

    I can see why Bella wants to have this baby though. It's not about just the fact that it's Edward's or that it's a living thing (both contribute I'm sure though), it's that she already loves this baby like she loves Edward or Jacob. She couldn't do anything to hurt it even if she wanted to. She is already a loving, caring mother, and she won't let anyone hurt her baby.

    If Jake did accept his offer it would just end up hurting all three of them even more and we all know Bella would beat herself up over it. Then Edward would feel guilty. Finally, we're back to the whole eclipse love triangle thing. And that was painful for everyone.

    It's just a bad idea for Edward to offer to share Bella with Jake. It would hurt all three of them and it would ultimately never, ever work out. It's completely unfair to Bella, Edward, and Jacob. Plus, shouldn't Bella get a say in this. She may be irrational sometimes, but I would have made every one of her decisions just the way she did.

    P.S. Sorry for the book : )

  27. Okay…I totally understand where you are coming from. I was really irritated with Jacob before Breaking Dawn, too. I'm not saying that I forgave him…because he was really stupid in Eclipse…but I understood his reasoning better and felt bad for him. I still think Edward loves Bella more, because they are meant to be together…that's just the way it is. Jacob is so not meant for Bella. At all. You'll see what I mean later…
    …Anyhoo, to answer your question, Edward was being really stupid in this chapter. It is completely wrong and sick to offer your WIFE up to some guy you've hated for months and months. I seriously felt like causing Edward serious pain here. And I threw my book at the wall. Then I picked it up and apologized to it. Hehe 😉 He was seriously ticking me off though. I don't care how desperate he is, he should not offer that…that's just horrible. Crazy Edward freaks the crap out of me.

    Oh and also, it was hilarious when you said it was awkward when Edward seemed to “mysteriously misplace his clothing.” Hehe 🙂 I started cracking up.

  28. this whole thing reminds me of this movie I saw once: I think it was called “indecent proposal” I'm not sure. It had Demi Moore in it. She was married to this architect and they had this whole “dream house” planned that they would build together. But anyway this rich guy told them that if he could be with Demi Moore for one night, then he would give them a million dollars to build the house. After a lot of arguing, they accepted the deal and they got the milli. But it completely ruined their marriage. And that's just with money.
    But Anywhoo, I keep putting myself in edward's shoes: If my husband was dying and the only way for him to live was to sleep with somebody else, would I let him do it? HECK YES! Is it right? NO. Would it kill me? PROBABLY. Maybe I wouldn't quite offer him up the way Edward did with Bella, but I sure would be trying to convince my husband to do it. Not everything is all black and white, especially not when someone you love is at stake.
    I'm not saying what Edward did is right, but try to put yourself in his shoes, you know? He probably knows that this whole thing is beyond wrong and terrible, but if wrong and terrible saves Bella, why not give it a try?
    On the other hand, I can't believe that this was the only alternative that Edward saw. Is he really thinking that this is the only way that Bella could live?

  29. First of all, let me say that I totally do not believe that that is you at seven years old. It doesn't look anything like you. You lived in Texas, right? Why would you be wearing a big parka-like thing in Texas? Unless you were a beekeeper. At seven years old. I always knew you were super-talented, but… So I totally don't believe that.

    Before I say anything, I'm a Team Jacob fan. I totally sympathize for him. I don't think it's fair for Edward to offer to share Bella, even if it is to save her life. I mean, Jacob is Bella's soul mate in the real world, the way it is supposed to happen. It would have to be unspeakably painful for him to get a piece of Bella, and only to save her life, and then have it ripped away because Edward is selfish. It's kind of interesting too, because Jacob thinks of it the opposite way. That it's not fair to Bella.

    I also believe that though selfish, Edwards intentions are good, and that if Jacob were in Edwards place he would do the same thing. I don't really know what Edward would do. They are both working for the same thing. To save Bella. I think that overshadows everything else.

    Is it right for Edward to 'share' Bella. I don't know. It depends on who's side your on. Both perspectives are very valid. But in the end I'm going to have to no. If Jacob gets hurt after being used to save Bella's life, Bella would be remorseful and think it was all her fault, which would not help the situation at all.

    That thing at the top was NOT a hater comment. I totally love you, but I still don't believe that is you.

  30. The usual answer would be “NO”, Edward should never had allowed her to share Jacob with Bella, But if we look into the mind of Edward, what he was doing was right. He loved Bella and could not see her lonely all her life..

  31. This is the part where I start to get really angry with, not Edward, and not Jacob, but Bella. In all of the books thus far Bella is appalled by how selfish she is, and every time I disagreed with her. I never once believed she was truly selfish. Until this part of Breaking Dawn. Bella isn't blind, she can see how much this is hurting everyone- she is slowly killing Edward and continuing to tear apart Jacob. And it is almost guranteed that she will not survive this pregnancy and will most likely look forward to a prompt and painful death. Bella is being selfish. And as much as it pains me to say this….when I first read Breaking Dawn I became so angry with Bella that I had to stop reading for a full 3 days before I could calm myself down and pick it up again. I still believe that Bella was acting almost inhumanely cruel to everyone, but I realize how important it was that she stuck with her gut. Everything turns out alright in the end, just like it should.

  32. This is a really heartbreaking chapter like everyone has mentioned. I personally don’t think it is ‘alright’ for Edward to share Bella with Jacob. This is very hard to explain. But I understand why he did offer him that. Right now in this chapter it is probably one of Edward’s lowest points in the series. He really is desperate to find a way to save Bella. He wants to give her everything and the fact that he can’t give her a normal healthy baby is killing him. That’s why it results to Jacob. Even if this ‘offer’ really did happen and Bella went off with Jacob to sleep with him to have a child. I don’t think Bella would agree. For one thing, she is devoted to Edward, married to him! She made her choice and she likes the fact that she’s having Edward’s child, not Jacob’s. Maybe that was a possibility at some point in the series but now it isn’t. Edward is desperate and he will go to extreme lengths to protect her, that’s what makes girl’s go crazy over him. It’s a heartbreaking chapter to see him at this point but it shows just how much he loves her.

  33. I must say, first of all, that I still HATE Jacob. No matter what, I always have, and always will.

    That aside, my answer is this; Edward's offer was out of desperation, like everyone's been saying. He was not all there, and if he thought about it later(and more importantly spoke to Bella about it, who would have all but bitten his head off), he would realize he'd made an awful mistake, and his offer was, in his own words, utterly absurd. I realize Jacob still loves Bella, but he really should have given up long ago. Bella loves EDWARD. She has made this clear many times, plus a final time, by MARRYING the man. I also gotta say that Edward has always been willing to give up Bella, if it meant her safety and living, no matter how much pain and suffering it cost himself. Jake should really take that into account, and get it through his thick skull, that if he truly loved Bella he would leave her permanently, which is not giving up, but more like bowing out gracefully, and letting her have a happy life.(On another random-er note, it has always bothered and irritated me that Jacob didn't die in Eclipse. That would have made everything WAY more interesting, and way LESS irritating. Oh well though. Wishful thinking on my part. Back to the subject at hand…) So ANYWAY, to answer the question you posed Kaleb; yes; I think it was total insanity on Edward's part to offer what he did, but I understand where he's coming from. And like most every other comment says, if he knew how Bella really felt, things would be different. Bleh. I really get into a tizzy when I write long, trivial comments like this.

    (AND NO HATE REPLIES PLEASE. This is just my personal opinion, and there is no law that says I must pity Jacob Black, side with him, like any aspect of him, which I don't, OR not share any negative opinions I have of him. So if you're deeply upsetted by what I've written, GET OVER IT, and move on with your life. 😉 Have a good day all!)

    ♥Team Edward♥ Long Devoted Twilight Saga Addict

  34. Congrats on the first two blurbs for your book! and LOL about the fact that both authors' names start with a “K”! btw, I've already made up my mind to read your book ages ago, but seriously, IT WAS COMPARED TO HARRY POTTER!!! How could you NOT be psyched about that? I wanna read it now soooooooooo much more! I gotta add, it always irks me when people compare other books (Twilight anyone?) to Harry Potter, but since it really does seem like a good book and it's your book, so I'm OK with it!

  35. Well I see both sides of this problem. Its true Bella really can't give up Jacob, but on the other hand it's like trying to share a ham sandwich it just can't be done. If they 'share' Jacob is always going to want more then just friendship but Bella wouldn't due that to Edward. It hard to say if they should share or not, personally I think Jacob could do a bit better then Bella. No offence to Bella fans but she's whinny and overly needy, it seems if Edward left her side for five minutes there would be fifteen pages of text stating how lonely she feels. I like Bella but she gets annoying… sorry I got sidetracked there.

  36. Hi! New poster here, but this chapter is actually one of my favorite out of all the books and so I had to speak up.

    This chapter actually redeemed Edward in my eyes. I was getting more and more disallusioned with his controlling, obsessive behaviour and to me he didn't “offer Bella” to Jacob. He wasn't treating her like a piece of property. he was GIVING HER A CHOICE. He knew she wouldn't go for it. He knew that Jacob wouldn't go for it. But he wanted so badly to give her what she wanted, even if it was something that he didn't want, didn't understand, and was potentially dangerous for her, he was willing to let her go to Jacob for that. I however did not think he should have made Jacob ask, although I understand why. This chapter showed that he does not have it together all the time, he does not ahve the answers, and he grasps at straws just like the next person. HE WAS MAKING A NATURAL RESPONSE. (yes I am aware this is a fictional book). This chapter was so raw, so real, showed their flaws and their nature and it was truly breathtaking to read.

    One of the reasons I really like this series is because I see several similarities between Edward adn my husband, with the love and devotion and protectiveness, and yes, a bit of the obsession. When I took the chapter out of the book and played it in my head replacing myself and him in those parts, you know what? I think he would have done the exact same thing. Put himself on the sidelines for me to have something that was so desperately important and personal that nothing else would replace it. yes it's not a perfect fix, and he realizes it, but at the risk of losing Bella would it be enough for her to let go of what she is clinging to?

  37. I really really agree here. (on the maternal instinct part). Edward was really on my bad side at this point in the book, and Jacob was too, honestly.

  38. if that was the only way to to keep her alive like the last result yes but at the moment he said it he was goin crazy she was like dying and he loved her so much it was making him think things he would regularly but if he were thinking in the rite frame of mind maybe but no not in that situation

  39. I know I'm totally late in this post, and I'm not posting to every chapter catch-up, but I have to touch on a few.

    First, it was nice to finally be >forced< to see things from Jacob's point of view. As he says later, which is no longer considered a spoiler… ' You know things are bad when you feel guilty for be rude to vampires.' It's nice that he's willing to finally drop all his bias, which makes me like him much more as a character.

    Also, as I only glazed over the comments, I'm sorry if I missed someone's mention, but…
    Kaleb, what is a 'reapidly' beating heart, exactly? LoL

    I hate to place a disclaimer that I'm only poking fun, but some people get crazy when they think I'm 'being rude.”
    Just kidding, guys.

  40. Absolutely,completely,forever,NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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