A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

TwilightGuys Report: The Tale Of Two Hales


” My wife and I have been married for three years. Less than a month ago, she gave birth to our first children–twins, a boy and girl whose names will be revealed later. After hearing about the Twilight series from one of her college friends, she began reading the books as well. She went to our local bookstore and bought all three books in one fell swoop.

Days later, all she could talk about was “Edward this” or “Jacob that.” It was enough to drive me insane. Here we were, a young married couple, and all she can talk about is a bunch of fictional men! Of course, after much pleading and pouting, she got me to read the first chapter of Twilight. Soon enough, I was hooked, too. We were both greatly amused to discover that we shared the last name of two of the characters: Jasper and Rosalie Hale.

So, when she found out she was pregnant with twins–a boy and a girl, to boot–there was never any question of what she would name them. Naturally, I was given no say in the matter.

As of April 15th, my wife and I are the parents of the real-life Jasper and Rosalie Hale. ”

Jasper and Rosalie Hale

Submitted by R Hale

One of the best guy reports I’ve read! An Esme fan club shirt from TwilightTeez.com to Mr. Hale!

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193 Responses

  1. omigosh!! awww (:
    i luv jasper in the book, so id probably luvvv the real life jasper too. 🙂

    jasper is such an AWESOME name!!!
    & rosalie is sooo pretty!!!
    congrats (:

  2. I’m joining the club!:


    If they’ve blond hair or grow up to be gorgeous teens, I SWEAR that I’m going to… to… say “aw!” a lot xD

    Congrats to the parents 🙂 <3

  3. Oh yeah! I forgot to add in the AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m gonna name my future son Edward =) I’ve always loved that name ^^

  4. Awwww there so cute xD
    Thats one of the best twilight guy stories Ive heard so far! Those kids are so lucky!! Ive always liked the name Rosalie Lol thats so cool

  5. Awwww, that is absolutely adorable! Congratulations!!!! That is the most fantastic coincidence!

    Encourage them to read Twilight when they’re older. Lol, read it to them as a bedtime story.

    Congratulations again. That’s is so cute!

  6. That is soooooooooo awesome!!!!!! i would TOTALLY do that too!! soo cool!! haha love it!!!! i’m soo glad that men can actually enjoy the book as much as us women!!! it really is phenominal!!! keep reading guys!!! the twilight series are seriously the best books in the universe!!!!!!!!
    ~Devoted Twilighter

  7. That’s so cute, awww!! i definitely agree with the other post about the character names becoming popular, I already told my dh to prepare himself for the next baby would be name either Edward or Isabella. LOl!!!

  8. We should really tell the Twilight Lexicon about this story. I bet they’d love it too.

  9. This has got to be the most popular TwilightGuys Report to date…
    Congratulations to the parents of the adorable twins.
    And a special congratulations to the mother for managing to find such a near-Edward specimen of a man for a husband.

  10. Awwww, that’s so cute! Congratulations, Samantha, your kids are certainly adorable and well-named. 😀 I’m defintely naming any kids I have after characters from the Twilight Saga!

  11. Actually, Jazz and Rose are blond under those little beanies. But, babies hair tends to change color, so it might change as they get older. Just so all you ladies know, Sam smacked me for posting this without letting her know. Then, she kissed me and said how sweet I was. You girls are a crazy lot….

  12. Thanks Amy! 🙂
    I kicked Rob off and smacked him again. He needs to keep his mouth shut and not say mean things about girls, now that he’s the father of one.

  13. OMG!!! that is THE cutest thing ever!! i love it to pieces. awww and they are so cute! lol! congratulations, Samantha and Robert!!!

  14. sooooooooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at my school we had to do a project of how we got our names….. i think i would be embaressed to say i got my name from a book! but it is still awesome!!! im gonna go tell all my friends!!!!!

  15. That is the sweetest thing ever!!! adorable!!! I would’ve definitely done the same thing in their position, I’ve always loved the names Rosalie and Jasper for twins since I started reading Twilight, all the names of TW characters are awesome! And..who doesn’t love cute little babies! 😀

  16. Samantha and Robert- Congratulations!!! That is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sweet!!!!! yall should get tshirts that say “esme” and “carlisle”

  17. Wow. I feel so good and happy – about YOUR situation!!!! But seriously, that is wonderful. I also wanted to name my kids something that would refer to twilight, but you got the best end of the stick with the HALE part. *sigh* their names would be wierd though, with my last name… GGGRRRRR

  18. I hope Stephenie Meyer reads about this…I wonder how she’ll feel having such a massive affect on society.

    Very cute!

  19. That is amazing. Seriously! Brilliant names.

    If I everhave kids, I can guarantee their names will be Twilight related! I’m thinking Alice in particluar..

    Congratulations, Samantha and Robert!

  20. OME!!! AWWWW!! that’s so cute!! Ya’ll are so lucky by the way. And I’ve already decided a long time ago that I would name my kids Edward, Carlisle, Jasper, Alice and Bella.

    Congratulations!!! 🙂

  21. That’s AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Haha I LOVE it!!!

  22. OMG that is soooo cute!!!!!!!!!! Congrats rob and samantha! i would definietly name my kids after the twilight saga lol they are so cuttttttttttttte!!!!!!

    summer – 12

  23. Ahhhh…. that is so cute. If i ever had twins, i would name them jasper and rosalie too! Those are such cute babies!!!

  24. OMG! That is amazing XDDDDD
    I love it!! I’d so name my kids after characters!!! Like Edward and Alice XDDD
    I’m going to try and get my dad to read the books, and if he likes them, I’ll get him to send you his story!!
    Sadly, my mother doesn’t like fantasy, or speak english very well (my family is from Brazil, and the books haven’t been published there yet D<), so I can’t make her read them, but I’m trying to get my dad!! I’ve already gotten 2 of my cousins hooked on them, and my younger sister who got, like, 3 of her friends hooked on them.

  25. *jaw drops* WOW! Thats amazing! OMG! Seriously! My friends mom is pregnaunt right now, and she may name her daughter/son Jasper or Rosalie also..lol!

    (on a second note, did you know that there is also a eal Harry Potter? He lives in Florida, lol)

  26. thats so adorable, i wonder if they are they are the future of what is to come. A generation of twilight babies. Maybe because of stephenie’s books names liek edward and rosalie will be on most popular babies names in the future!

  27. OMG thaat’s so sweet!!! i love thaat! lucky u …u have hale last name!

    good luck for Rosalie and Jasper hale!! they’re so sweet!

  28. Ome! Those two kids have to be two of the luckiest kids ever! That is way too sweet! I wonder what they’ll think when they’re told that their names come from fictional vampires in the best vampire romance series ever devised… I want to be one them ;_; So lucky…

  29. Dude, someone has got to tell the Lexicon and/or Stephenie about this story!!

  30. thats so awesome you like the book, im sure if more guys would read it , they would all love it…your kids are beautiful, and they have 2 great names.

  31. Wow. I always here people joke about how they plan on naming their kids after the twilight crew, but this is the first time I’ve actually heard of someone doing it! Very cool.

  32. So cute! My daughter is all jazzed because they were born on her 13th birthday.
    This is one of the best stories so far! I love those names…

  33. It’s so much better with Samantha and Robert because their lsat name is actually “Hale.”

  34. Aww that’s so cute=)
    How adorable! It should be quite interesting how they’d turn out realizing they were named after fictional vampires – Life is sweet..

  35. When, oh when, will the Lexicon post a link to this amazing story?

    I can’t wait to see what Jasper and Rosalie are like when they get older…

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