A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

TwilightGuys Report: The Tale Of Two Hales


” My wife and I have been married for three years. Less than a month ago, she gave birth to our first children–twins, a boy and girl whose names will be revealed later. After hearing about the Twilight series from one of her college friends, she began reading the books as well. She went to our local bookstore and bought all three books in one fell swoop.

Days later, all she could talk about was “Edward this” or “Jacob that.” It was enough to drive me insane. Here we were, a young married couple, and all she can talk about is a bunch of fictional men! Of course, after much pleading and pouting, she got me to read the first chapter of Twilight. Soon enough, I was hooked, too. We were both greatly amused to discover that we shared the last name of two of the characters: Jasper and Rosalie Hale.

So, when she found out she was pregnant with twins–a boy and a girl, to boot–there was never any question of what she would name them. Naturally, I was given no say in the matter.

As of April 15th, my wife and I are the parents of the real-life Jasper and Rosalie Hale. ”

Jasper and Rosalie Hale

Submitted by R Hale

One of the best guy reports I’ve read! An Esme fan club shirt from TwilightTeez.com to Mr. Hale!

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193 Responses

  1. Just in case anyone was wondering. Jazz and Rose were born naturally and without complications. Also, Jazz is an hour older. Next time, I’m getting an epidural. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That is so cool!!
    Congrats on the little ones, I have been thinking one day when I have a boy i will name him Jasper because he is my favorite cullen

  3. i actually was named after a vampire, from my mom’s favorite book, but not of the Cullen variety. i always figured i’d coninue the tradition and name my children ficional characters. It’s between this and Harry Potter, but i don’t really see a baby Hermione or Severus (my fav HP characters) in my future….

  4. That is the cutest thing i have ever heard. Stephenie Meyer changed peoples lives when she wrote these books. And what an amazing story with the last name hale as well.

  5. And the father’s name is Robert?! Just a cute little Twilight family there. :] Now I’ve got to find a man with the last name Hale/Cullen/Black…::off to search::

  6. Lol. Just so you know, we didn’t read Twilight until AFTER we were married. ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. OMG that is adorable!
    when I get married and have a baby I am planning to name him Carlisle (such a nice name)

  8. awww! That’s so awesome! Hi baby Jasper! Hi baby Rosalie! ๐Ÿ™‚ They’re adorable!

  9. hahah awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
    this is such a cute story!
    congratulations by the way,
    the babies are gorgeous!

  10. That is SO SWEET!!! Wow….that is amazing. I actually do want to name my kids Jacob or Emmett lol….

  11. ohmigosh! this is soooo cute.

    I kinda want to name one of my kids edward…but I doubt my future husband (whoever he may be) will like the idea ๐Ÿ˜›

  12. Oh, รจ cosรฌ dolce…. I mean, it’s sooooooo sweet!!!! Lots of kisses to Jasper and Rosalie Hale…. Cuccioli!!!

  13. That’s cute, they’re both cool names. I suppose they won’t be teased as much as “Luke and Leia” would be. I have actually met a set of twins with the star wars names. I’ve wondered if the “old-fashioned” names of twilight would start to make a come back with the popularity of the book. I guess we’ll see in a decade or so!

  14. aawww oh my god this is so neat! now there are real Jasper and Rosalie Hale siblings. they are so andorable!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  15. your last name is hale????
    wow im naming my kids alice claire
    and jasper hale
    (middle and fist name of course!!!)
    but i do want to marry someone with the last name cullen!!!!
    ugh its just a dream

    oh well im adopting to babys the boy will be hope fully a blnde and the girl will have brown hair and brown eyes like me!!!!
    i love the names!!!
    im buying a laptop to take with me to cheer camp just so i can see twilight related things!
    im really stupid but i dont want to miss ANYTHING!!!

    ~very devoted twilight lover~

  16. As cute as this story may seem, these parents have condemned their children to a lifetime of teasing. My parents(both huge Star Wars fan) named me and my older twin brother Luke. Thank god our last name is normal. All throughout high school, we had to endure “Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope” and “Use the Force, Luke.” I don’t want more children to suffer like we had to…These parents have made a huge mistake and should get their children’s names changed as soon as possible.

  17. Leia–whoa, I thought I was the only one who really didn’t like the idea of this. Sorry about all the teasing–I think your name’s lovely, separate from the Star Wars craze.

  18. That has to be the most adorable thing ever!

    Congratulations! They are precious! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I also plan to name my first son Edward. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. I believe this is the best story from the guy twilight readers.

    When the twins find out how they got their name.. I hope they are proud and feel special… and mostly honored to have such wonderful names!

  20. Congratulation!!!
    Che belli!!!…Sorry I was speaking the Volturi language..(Italian XD)
    they are so cuteeeeeeeeeee

  21. Thats the most adorable story ever…i cant believe that!
    The twins are tiny and cute…congradulations!^^

  22. that is sooooo cute i just told my friends and brother but he didn’t care because he hates twilight……..i know…….HOW COULD HE!!!!!!!
    anyway i really like that story!

  23. One word…..AWESOME!

    1st that a girl actually has a husband that great!

    2nd that is soo way beyond cute.

    Funny thing though I have always wanted to name a daughter Isabella, but until i read the twilight series I never thought of shortening it to Bella. So now I really don’t have a choice! Thanks Stephenie!

  24. That is ADORABLE!!

    I’m sure they’ll grow up to be just as gorgeous as their namesakes. Only, hopefully, minus the blood-lust. ;p

  25. awwww!! i actually had a tear in my eye!! that is the sweetest thing ever!!!!!!! ur kids r gorgeous btw! i luv babies!! x

  26. aww great report..and congrattz on having twin babies!they’re sooo cute =)
    Jasper and Rosalie Hale <3 ^.^

  27. oh lord, that is very cute but oh so creepy! you don’t name your child after a fictional book character! Those poor kids are going to be so embarrased when they’re older!

  28. Oh my god…
    This has to be rather hilarious…and very sweet! Congrats to the couple, of course.

  29. Oh my god!
    These twins are sooooo CUTE…
    Maybe I would name my twins (Isa)Bella and Edward or Alice and Edward or something.
    But I live in Austria, and all those wonderful english and american names sound funny with a second name like “Huber” or “Koch” (my second name…)

    I hope the kids will like their names ^^ but Iยดm sure they will, if they find out, where their special names are from!

  30. That is THE cutest story ever. I really don’t think the kids will be teased much in school when they grow up coz Jazz and Rose are both such cool characters. And the names themselves are just beautiful…..*___*


  31. THAT IS SO COOL!!!!! I never thought to name any of my kids. Kids I don’t have yet after characters in books. I thought about shared pet names. Though I would name my yet to be son that I might not have after Emmett.
    Anyway love the story!

  32. Awww, that’s just plain adorable! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Poor Rosalie though, described as ‘the prettiest person/vampire in the world’…she has something to live up to, hmm? ^^

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