The song for this chapter is Here (In Your Arms) by HelloGoodbye (suggested by Holly)
Thanks to it being shorter than the previous, I was able to sink my teeth into the next chapter of Twilight on a Monday. Which was good, because Tuesdays I’m in class all day, and would have been forced to leave it at home (as if I’d actually hide quiz answers in the pages of Twilight). Where I left off, they were on their way to meet Carlisle…
Speaking of him, I was much impressed by the age of Carlisle. After all, he has seen quite a great many things in his life. The reason, I realized in this chapter, that these vampires all seem so wise is because they have decades more than we do to gain it. With the added years comes added wisdom, so it would be little wonder if Carlisle is a renowned doctor, due to all the studying he could have done by now. Carlisle is so old, he might have even gotten to see this without security glass:
No Wonder The Mona Lisa Smiles
What I really found interesting about Carlisle Cullen is the fact that he was a reluctant vampire. When he found out what he had become, he immediately hated himself and tried everything he could to get rid of it, to the point of multiple attempts at suicide. I have a deep feeling that his pain was because of what he had been before. Here he was, the son of one of the most prominent witch-burners, and now he had been turned into the very thing he had set out to kill.
I see so much potential for Carlisle in the rest of the books- so many facets to his character that can be explored. The character who has become the demon which he sought out to destroy, and now has to live with himself, is one that is in constant turmoil. Though he is not gotten into much so far, I can feel an underlying air of quiet torture that must have afflicted Carlisle for much of his life, remembering the things from his youth. What is more, is that everyone who Carlisle had known would be dead by now, save for those who were vampires.
I am curious as to if this is one of Edward’s reasons for avoiding Bella at the beginning of the book. After all, he would know well from Carlisle how it might feel to watch your loved ones die and then spend hundreds of years more afterwards, still wandering the world. It might be that he was afraid to be close to Bella because of this: or that he hopes that he might turn her into a vampire, and they can be together forever.
But, I have a feeling it is not that simple. There is an inner turmoil within Edward: he loves Bella so much that he is willing to risk whatever might be coming, even if it will mean that he is hurt. The near-endless life of a vampire opens up new questions as to what Edward is going to do in order to keep Bella with him. I’m certain I will soon be finding out whether this means she must become a vampire, like him, or if he must keep her as a human, and have her die without him.
As a side note, I’m sure he meant well, but for some reason, I picture Carlisle’s father as the Burgermeister Meisterburger (add that to my list of ruinations, next to Bella’s Truck, Coach Clapp, and Charlie ).
Sometimes I think of crazy things that have absolutely nothing to do with what Stephenie is trying to convey. In fact, there are times I am sure she just smacks her forehead and wonders why this Kaleb fellow’s insane brain was ever allowed free reign across her work. Take for example the first thought that came to my mind after reading this line:
“It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share,” Alice announced.
“Sure, fellow vampires!” Edward said joyfully. “We can all have some Bella Swan, at Kaleboni’s!”
“Gee willikers!” a voice said. “Kaleboni’s is the best! Everything a true respectable vampire could want!”
I also doubt the ‘ball’ that vampires play is that much similar to what most humans would imagine. It’s like wizard-chess. Or Jedi-volleyball. Vampball must be different. I can’t wait to see how this goes in the next chapter 😀
I chuckled imagining alternatives to this line:
Edward: “Carlisle stayed with them for only a short time, just a few decades.”
Edward yawned: “This house wasn’t that expensive, just a couple trillion.”
Edward sighed: “I’m not that popular, just 98% of girls adore me.”
If I was there, I would have loved to dig through Edward’s music collections, and perhaps sneak away with a few of his 50’s albums 😀
– I am loads behind on email. I apologize so much for making everyone wait so long for a reply, and I promise I will still get back with each one. If you sent an email before June 1, and have not gotten a reply, check your spam filter.
– Someone emailed that there was a rumor at their school that I was coming to Illinois to give a speech. I have no clue where that one came from, but it is false.
– For my last Youtube video, I became the proud receiver of The Best Pan-Hat Award. Mayhaps I should make a pan a permanent part of my head wardrobe 😉
– The Twilightaholics are looking for members for their Twilightaholics Youtube channel, so check them out if you’re still in the auditions mood!
– I am shocked at the vast amount of people who still ask this question: Why do you call yourself Kaleb Nation? The answer is very simple: My Name Is Kaleb Nation. Nation is my last name. I think people are confused into thinking it’s like Kaleb World or Kaleb Planet or something. But no, it is my last name 😀
115 Responses
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You are so funny Kaleb!
I too believe “NATION” was some sort of nickname for Kaleb Planet or something! Hahaha!
Thanks for clearing that up!
I love your page!
Speaking of lasagna…there was a guy arrested for stealing hundreds of frozen pizzas recently. I lol’d when I saw that on the news the other day 🙂
Read Here:
Hello there,
You’re a legend, Kaleb!
I love the graphics, quotes and the in-depth chapter blog things.
I’ll order up some irritable grizzly any day!
Carlisle fascinates me as well – just imagining all the things he’s seen and experienced . . . I think I’m more interested in Jasper’s story though (but that’s in Eclipse, and would probably be more of a “guy’s book”). Great blog!
I also questioned your last name when I first found this site, for about five minutes, before I Googled you, to see if you were legit. I’m a skeptic.
WOOOOOOW!!!!! I was just doing my daily fill of twilight websurfing, and after watching the new twilight clip like 10 times i found this sight. This is utterly fantastic!! After defending my love for this book day in and day out (why must everyone think reading about vampires is strange) it is refreshing to hear a GUY’s take on the book!! You are dead on about everything, you’re like Edward and Mel Gibson in “What Women Want” all wrapped up in one. Trust me you are not giving the other guys bad advice. I must say personally that I would like some sincere, honest, breathtakingly gorgeous vampire-even when his eyes are black and can hardly control himself-over basically every guy I’ve ever met.
My only question is how do you do it? How can you only read a chapter a night. When I read the series, I read all 3 in a weekend (i stayed up until 5am reading new moon the saturday) I literally felt thirsty for more(terrible cliche, but whatever.) I must say, you are an Edward Cullen and i applaud you.
oh man you are like the best twilight guy there is!
so thats why the mona lisa smiles.
that was brilliant!
i cant wait til you get to eclipse =]
this was one of the most hilarious posts to date. i was laughing extremely hard. Burgermeister Meisterburger literally made me laugh louder than was necessary. and the menu for kaleboni’s. im very sorry about your lasagna. keep being hilarious!! i adore this site.
Kaleb, you rule.
Edward yawned: “This house wasn’t that expensive, just a couple trillion.” = FTW! Edward tends to either over-exaggerate or under-exaggerate. He seems to be incapable of stating things like a normal person. O_o
Oh, and as a side note, I got my ex to read Twilight the other day! =]] He was dubious but trusted me, and has absolutely devoured the books since, buying New Moon on his own initiative and texting me with lines he likes and what chapters he’s on. The Twilight Guy community is growing…. Now it’s time for world takeover. >:]
Can’t wait for your next chapter review!! =]]
Hey Kaleb! as always you make me laugh! …the menu..Edward must be there too..XD.The mona lisa with twilight is amazing!!.I adore Carlisle he is such a deep character.. and for that soo interesting…
greetings from uruguay
Yeah, Carlisle is a really interesting character. Very deep. I think that Edward probably feels the same way as him, just not at the same magnitude.
I have no idea how you manage to read so slowly! I can’t do this at all. If I like a book, I devour it in an hour or so. If I find it hard to get into, it MIGHT take a day. I’m a fast reader!! I read these books in class, actually. Nothing better to drown out a droning teacher with than a good book.
Oh, I’ll have to come check out your restaurant. Looks pretty good. Quite a variety of dishes. However, I find bear rather tough and deer too salty for my taste. I guess I’ll have to go for some Bella Swan…
God I love your pictures!!
Hey so I saw the mention of Edwards music again and I was wondering if it does go into specifics artists. I can’t remember, and now that you mention the 50s music I can totally see him listening to some Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. Then I also thought of some Elvis Presley. I don’t know why but the crooners just seem right. it seems like it would go along with his piano skills. haha sorry this comment is all some crazy rambling train of thought. I’m just going to go put on so 50s music and rock out like a Cullen.
Kaleb, you’re awesome. I love how you seriously get this book! You break it down so easily and its great to read what yiou’re thinking about the book.
I can’t wait until you make to New Moon! I love that one…its not the happiest of the series but its good nonetheless. Every girl who reads my comment is gonna totally kill me for saying that! Most girls hate New Moon….And when you read it, you will find out within the 3 chapter…and then a little after that.
Sorry, I’m babbling on and on… anyways…………
Keep on reading! Can’t wait for you to finish it! lol
I loved the menu for Kaleboni’s. Those darn lasagna thieves, why can’t they ever leave you alone? :]
haha.. the Mona Lisa thing made me laugh.
and in response to your response to a comment above (if that makes sense)
wow, 2 years on one book? I read Eragon in a 3 days!
how do you remember what’s happening?
I can’t wait until you get farther into the series, it should be interesting to see what you think about what happens ^_^
LOL of course The Mona Lisa would smile. I would too if i got to meet Dr. Fang in person!
Hey! My name is Liz and I have to tell you that you absolutely ASTOUND me that you read Twilight. I’m trying to get one of my best guy friends to read it but he keeps making up excuses.
So I sent him a link to your website in hopes that he will realize that it IS all right for guys to read the book! If your website DOES inspire him I will definitely worship the ground you walk on!
Btw. You havent talked much about Jasper, not that there is much to talk about but besides Edward, he’s my favorite character. Do you have any views on him so far? I mean he hasnt really been introduced but what are your first impressions?
So I am pretty sure that my laptop died about 9:30pm last night so I didn’t get to your post till 7:45pm today afterin the library at the community college where I’m taking History 1302. You know. College….
&&& Let me say that I laughed so much/hard that I was asked to quiet down or leave the library. THANKS A LOT KALEB!!!
just kidding.
I love Carlisle. He is my SECOND favorite Cullen, behind Edward, DUH! He has lived for so many years and has seen so many things. I wish I could just have a day with him to ask him about everything that has happened in the past. Like…how was it to live through WWII (once again, history 1302) or was the 70’s as cool as they say it was? I don’t know, it’s all I can think of typing right now. AND if Carlisle REALLY existed I’m pretty sure he could find the cure for cancer, AIDS, and alzheimer’s . ( just had to say that) haha
Good post.
&& made my day better, after finding out that
So I am pretty sure that my laptop died about 9:30pm last night so I didn’t get to your post till 7:45pm today after class in the library at the community college where I’m taking History 1302. You know. College….
&&& Let me say that I laughed so much/hard that I was asked to quiet down or leave the library. THANKS A LOT KALEB!!!
just kidding.
I love Carlisle. He is my SECOND favorite Cullen, behind Edward, DUH! He has lived for so many years and has seen so many things. I wish I could just have a day with him to ask him about everything that has happened in the past. Like…how was it to live through WWII (once again, history 1302) or was the 70’s as cool as they say it was? I don’t know, it’s all I can think of typing right now. AND if Carlisle REALLY existed I’m pretty sure he could find the cure for cancer, AIDS, and alzheimer’s . ( just had to say that) haha
Good post.
&& made my day better, after finding out that my laptop shall be with HP for 2 wks.
and the 1st of the 2 posts is due to the fact that I am on my ANCIENT (Windows XP) home PC.
my apologies.
i’d love to visit ur vampire restaurant… if i were one 🙁 and don’t even think about stealing from Edward’s collection, i’m sure he knows every single CD that he owns… and i mean you wont be able to get into his house anyway because of all the fangirls waiting outside 😀
oh and im sure 99.99% of the girls… and ladies LOVE Edward. over all it’s very interesting the way you look at every single chapter so far. i enjoy reading them a lot… keep up the good work!
ahahahah i love how people still ask you why you are callled kaleb nation!
all your discussion did was make me hungry now!
I love reading your posts, they make me laugh so hard. Especially when you write about stupid stuff people have sad and/or asked. Keep up the great work 🙂
Lol. Kaleb, you make me laugh so much, it’s not even funny! My mom is even thinking about banning me from your site when my brothers are asleep so I don’t wake them up with my loud laughing and chortling I do whenever I visit Keep up the wonderfabulawesome(wonderful+fabulous+awesome) work!
Who wouldn’t smile when they are holding twilight??? (unless while they are reading it they remember it is just a bokk…that would be upsetting)
Chef! How much is that Bella Swan?
ok, i have to admit that it wasn’t a unique name for a site, but reading your explanation why it’s Kaleb Nation i’ll keep my mouth shut. but hey!you’re one hell of a guy. I actually read fast (i read Twilight in 36 hours considering i was supposed to be at work but due to food poisoning had to stay home, i read New Moon in 24 hours and after 2 days i started reading Eclipse and took 24 hours again to finish it.end of explanation). but i must admit that sometimes i would rather read books….continued next post
cont. in a much slower pace, just so i can tell my self that the book will never end, especially if it’s a good book. i get sad if i read the last page and is about to close the book. oh yeah, did i say YOU REALLY ROCK!!i’m half across the globe and came upon your site. i have gay friends reading the series but no guy friends would dare pick up the book (i’ll try to convince them) but you’re a good example to the alpha male specie. keep inspiring!
I am a new visitor to your blog here, but I have had the pleasure of being kept up to date on your site by my twilight friends who can not get enough of you. I have to say that now that I have had this experience first hand, I am hooked! I will have to pass this blog along to my husband who has read Twilight also. He read it under the guise of being interested to find out the contrasts of some of the characters to White Wolf. Although I am sure that was just an alabi. The truth? I totally got him hooked as I had him read to me in the car while I drove. 😀
Alright, back to the reason I decided to post. I just want to say I admire your dicipline, in only reading one chapter here and there. I could not do that! Infact my husband knows that anytime I am up past midnight it is becuase I am reading a twilight book. Most likely Eclipse, because well that is the best one and the one I read most often.
Keep up the good work! I look forward to reading more of your blog.
This is actually one of the first times I have read your website. but i must say that you are brave because you are reading twilight, funny because you add your own lines to the pages and wise because you can read within the text. you can interpret what the text means. When I read twilight (a while back), I didn’t think about it as much as you did.
Good job! 🙂
Edward sighed: “I’m not that popular, just 98% of girls adore me.”
Actually, I think there’s a good reason for that missing two percent. It’s obvious that they haven’t read the books yet.
First of all, I laughed so hard at the mention of Lasagna burglars in the menu! Secondly, it cracked me up to find that people ask why you call yourself Kaleb Nation. Thanks for the laughs!
Oh wow i feel pretty stupid now…..i thought you were going to take over the world thats why you called yourself kaleb nation i always found it amusing but i have to say thats the coolest last names ever! the lasagna burglars strike again! that cracked me up :]
I’m ashamed to say that I am one of “those” people who didn’t know that Nation was your last name. I just thought you came up with a sweet pen name, and for a minute there, I almost didn’t believe your post.
Edward: “Carlisle stayed with them for only a short time, just a few decades.”
Edward yawned: “This house wasn’t that expensive, just a couple trillion.”
Edward sighed: “I’m not that popular, just 98% of girls adore me.”
this is like the third time i have seen your page…
I found the graphics( the menu is awesome, i think the cullens would love it, but maybe they would think it twice when they get to the Bella part) really hillarious but this quotes are excellent, they are so true that i can imagine edward saying them.
LOL!! at the menu, that was hilarious 🙂 When I read this cahpter I had the same wish as you did, dig in Edward`s music collection, imagine all those cd`s!! super cool. Great post, you never stop amazing me :O
LOL! I picture Carlile as Professor Xavior from X-men…. >_<
Ahhh… your musings are awesome.
Nice song choice.
Yes, that is EXACTLY how I imagined Carlisle’s father… how strange. I don’t like Carlisle so much. He’s too… accommodating and *struggles with words* nice. He’s a good character and everything, but he just… lacks an interesting enough personality. He’s not flawed enough.
Oh, wow… this bit.
Edward: “Carlisle stayed with them for only a short time, just a few decades.”
Edward yawned: “This house wasn’t that expensive, just a couple trillion.”
Edward sighed: “I’m not that popular, just 98% of girls adore me.”
Just absolutely, amazingly, unbelievably genius! I never even paid much attention to that line!
Yeah, I think Stephenie Meyer would have good reason to be freaked out by now…
Personally, I think Stephanie M. should write a book from Edward’s point of view and a book about Carlisle. Who’s your favorite Twilight character?
My favorite is Alice. I know this is weird, but do you think vampires can turn their pets into vampires? By the way, this site is really funny so please keep adding. 😀
Remember how they said, “The kinds of names grandparents had.”? Well, my grandma’s name is Alice!
Back again! Do you really like where this book is going? I LUV it. Really…Stephanie didn’t have to get me hooked on Jacob in the second book. What do you say?
🙂 😉 ;D 😮
;o %/
Edward: “Carlisle stayed with them for only a short time, just a few decades.”
Edward yawned: “This house wasn’t that expensive, just a couple trillion.”
Edward sighed: “I’m not that popular, just 98% of girls adore me.”
that was awesome..!
Your Conveyance of Geewillikers is almost as good as moot point.
And the nonchalance of their age and everything is comical. LOL
Wow…I was laughing so hard at this posts and the beginning comments my parents thought I went psycho! There are literally tears coming out of my eyes from laughind so hard!
That name thing is HILARIOUS!
Wow…this website is awesome!
Edward: “Carlisle stayed with them for only a short time, just a few decades.”
Edward yawned: “This house wasn’t that expensive, just a couple trillion.”
Edward sighed: “I’m not that popular, just 98% of girls adore me.”
I know, right? A couple decades as freaking long!
Though, maybe to a stupid vampire with messy hair…
I know this post is super old now (and usually I don't add comments when that's the case – it just feels so futile and non-relevant) but I wanted to tell you that I also misimagine characters. For me it's a pretty regular thing, any book I read I end up making my own picture of the person instead of how they're described visually.
The first time I read Twilight, I definitely saw Carlisle as a short, squat man, and even balding a little, which does anything but fit in with Bella's description of his movie-star like qualities.
I also felt very strongly that Alice was blonde and Rosalie a brunette. My inner visions were altered once I started seeing the movie posters (and to be honest, in some cases I like the movie casting better than my own ^_^), but until then I actually confused myself sometimes when Stephenie would write something contrary to my images.
For me, though, I think it's because I read too quickly (especially the first time through a book) and don't drink in all of the details in descriptions, allowing me to really make my own picture.
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