The song for this chapter is Hot N Cold by Katy Perry (suggested by Melanie)
This entire week has been a rush of school and writing stuffs, and I don’t believe I have stopped for even a minute to take a breath. However, while I was out getting prints made for my photography class, I managed to check the fanmail PO box, and behold the return address on one of the packages:
From the star herself?! Wowsa, what could it be? You’ll know its mysterious contents soon enough 😀
Anyhows, after my psychology test, I managed to leap into the next chapter in Eclipse: the much-hyped and anticipated Fire and Ice! Usually, when I receive an odd amount of comments or emails from people saying they ‘simply cannnottt waitttt…lulzzz!!1!’ for me to read a certain chapter, I instantly know to be wary. The last time this happened, Bella attempted to extract herself from more than the usual amount of clothing someone removes during wintertime. Now, she and Edward are alone in the mountains in a tent. Whoops. Maybe I should skip this one…
Luckily for me, there’s still someone else to keep them company: probably wary, I’m sure, of leaving them alone. Not like it would matter. As half of the title suggests, there is quite a bit of chill up there: and not even half of it is coming from the vampire. I can say from terrible, horrible, oh-so-memorable experience that cold weather and camping do not mix well. In fact, on one such camping trip, it was so cold that my Boy Scout troop won the Polar Bear Award for actually surviving the night (true story).
Unfortunately for Bella and Edward, there appears to be no such award in Forks. But never fear: Jacob Black is still hanging around as always; and, he is all too eager to make himself useful. In the kind and total selflessness of his heart, he offers himself as a living space heater to Bella Swan, with the pure and noble intentions of simply keeping her warm through the night.
Smooth, fella. Very smooth.
I enjoy this confrontation between Jacob and Edward: partly, I believe, because they are forced to be together and not fight, for the sake of Bella. They really seem to want to kill each other: you can feel it in the tone of their words. But even in the midst of this verbal battle, there’s some type of common goal that they both must work towards, if they want Bella to survive.
I pick up a certain amount of uncertainly in Jacob’s words, something that he doesn’t show much when Bella is listening. I think that deep down, he knows that he will never convince Bella to leave Edward. Somehow, he seems to know this, but he is fighting it: hoping that somehow she will leave the vampires. And he is right: it might better for her to stay with him. I’m sure the prospect of leaving Bella to Jacob, and her staying a human, is quite a conflicting one for Edward. It would easily be better for her to stay a human, in a literal sense: but how long would she survive if Edward was gone? I don’t think he’s willing to take the chance again, after what happened in New Moon.
People have gotten onto me recently because of my disagreements with Jacob, and his obviously intent of stealing Bella from Edward. Admittedly, it is hard for me to see any excuse for Bella to keep both of them hanging on: it is something that is simply not done, in any sort of respectful relationship. But there is a great amount of truth in saying that Edward did leave Bella: he told her he didn’t love her anymore, and he would never return. Team Jacob people tell me all the time that Edward brought Jacob into the relationship because of that: and now, he must suffer the consequences of his actions.
Still, there seems to be a deeper, underlying meaning to this scene in the tent: an analogy, almost, to where Jacob and Edward stand in regards to Bella. Perhaps I am mistaken. But I seem to pick up on certain familiar images. I see Edward in the tent, wanting to help Bella but feeling unable to. And I see Bella not wanting to accept Jacob, but needing him in some way. And in the middle of this, I see Edward accepting the fact that for Bella to survive, he might need a bit of help from Jacob after all.
And isn’t this the core of their problems? Isn’t this what has caused so much friction between the three? As I have said many times, it is the nature of this triangle: you cannot remove one without the other two collapsing upon each other. If Edward was to leave, Bella would surely die. If Jacob were to leave, she would never forgive herself. And like Edward, perhaps I am slowly coming to understand Jacob’s special purpose in both of their lives 😀
Question for the comments: feel free to take guesses at what Christian Serratos sent. Oh, and I’d love to hear about any nightmare camping experiences, sans werewolf space heaters 😀
– Happy Valentine’s Day to all! I realize this is very anti-climactic for a blog studying a romance novel, but it is 2 AM here and I can’t make a proper card nor flowers 😀
– For anyone who enjoys my music, I just uploaded a new song that you can download for free — click here to listen!
125 Responses
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I’m guessing that she sent you a gift, like a gnome, something simple. Or maybe she sent you a letter about how much she loves your site. I’m sure that that would bring in mucho subscribers. =] I’m glad that you got to this chapter, because it just means that your’re even closer to being finished with the entire series! As for the camping question, I haven’t really gone camping before, but I’m hoping that one day I gave it a try. Great Post!
Thats my idea of camping Sasha!!! LOL But a spece heater wouldn’t be bad!!!
I just wanted to comment that you keeping what Christian’s package from us as a secret is very devious of you Kaleb. Shame on you for leaving us in suspense. =]
This chapter, the chapter before it and the following chapter are right up there in my favorite Twilight Sags points ever. I love how Edward and Jacob are forced to be cooperative with each other and how they both finally realize that Bella wouldn’t survive if she didn’t have both of them. I love how Edward opens up to Jacob and lets him and the rest of us see how he really thinks and feels through the whole situation. It just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to read it….the next chapter is probably my favorite! Can’t wait till you read it
I congratulate you on choosing Hot N Cold by Katy Perry :D. And using the queen of hearts in one of your photoshops. Just wonderful 😛
“It is the nature of this triangle: you cannot remove one without the other two collapsing upon each other.” This nearly made me cry. :'(
oh and yea– as KIM said this link is amazing!!
I don’t want to guess what she sent! I am soo not good with surprises!
You really will find out in the next book why Bella clings onto both of them. It drives my husband crazy as we are reading them together as well. He has nicknames for Bella. I keep telling him, it will all make sense in the 4th book.
My nightmarish camping experiences are a week worth of rain and of course it leaked where I slept, you couldn’t dry out your clothes or anything. Also there was the year we had swarms of bees, bear warnings, and a skunk that visited us as well.
Happy Valentines Day Kaleb n Evryone!
I don’t think you could have used a different song for this chapter. It’s perfect.
As for what Christian sent…I have no clue. Maybe autographs for your next contest?
And how pathetic is this: I’ve never been camping. Unless you count sleeping in a tent in my fenced-in backyard about 5 steps from the door. 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I also threw the book. I was so so angry with the next few chapters. Thankfully, Breaking Dawn made me feel better. lol.
I’m guessing chirstian serratos sent you a…. I dunno… my mind is pretty blank right now.. maybe she told you how awesome your site was. Which is true, if you ask me. ^^
I love your blog, Kaleb! I refresh the page daily xD
This is one of my favorite chapters in Eclipse because it seems Jacob and Edward seem to try somewhat to see where the other is coming from, however difficult that may be for each. It also seemed like Jacob wasn’t all that convinced that Edward truly loves Bella, and he says something along the lines of “I guess you do love her, in your own way.” I’m totally paraphrasing so I might be off in his statement. He sounds kinda bummed that he can’t use that (Edward not loving her) as something against Edward in his mission to take Bella for his own since he loves her so dang much. Sorry I’m rambling, aren’t I?
My own horrific camping story was when I was camping with my family in a local park, and it started downpouring during the middle of the night, and didn’t really let up until sunrise. That wouldn’t usually bother me too much except for the fact the tents weren’t all that waterproof and we were to leave the next day and our vehicle’s tires were completely submerged in mud. My Dad had to walk approximately 15 miles to a friend so he could pull us out. Good times.
Forgot my camping story!!! Although it isn’t quite as exciting as polar bears, frostbite, etc… anyway, somehow last year my parents got it into their heads that taking a two year old camping would be FUN! and a fussy two year old? Even better! A fussy two year old with an ear infection? the most fantabulous camping trip ever!!!!! anyway we didnt get any sleep at all, and neither did anyone within a 10 mile radius. so its not quite as exciting, but still. it sucked.
Like Steph, (see way earlier comment) I too just got done watching the Hillywood parody and had the Hot N Cold song in my head. I came to your page and saw the song, and just about flipped out. What a coincidence huh? Great commentating as always, Kaleb!
After watching the Hillywood Show Twilight Parody I totally laughed out loud when I saw the song for this chapter. I’m not sure if it really FITS for this chapter – other than the name, of course – but I love the song so I can’t complain XD
My first – and so far, only – campiing trip happened when I was around the age of 13. My dad took my brother, two of our friends, and I to his friend’s “farm” which was actually just a really big field surrounded by woods with a pond for canoeing, a fire pit, a swimming pool, and, thank god, indoor plumbing (ish. No showers. Just toilets.) so we didn’t have to use the woods as our personal restroom. So the first night we’re there we’re swimming in the pool, having fun, when I say, “hey… did anyone else hear thunder?” Of course everyone dismisses me, “HAHAH I’m sure it was your imagination and your overcautious weather forcasting!”. So I say, “Guys, I see lightning – I’m getting out of the pool.” and they’re all, “psh! Whatever!” like 12-14 year olds do. So about an hour later it starts raining. HARD. Like tropical storm ohmigod-we’re-all-going-to-die-do-you-hear-a-tornado?-i-think-i-hear-a-tornado hard. Meanwhile us for kids are bunkerd down in the tent and my dad is outside is the pouring rain trying to reinforce the stakes holding the tent down. Then a HUGE bolt of lightning crashes and everything goes bright-white did-i-just-die-and-go-to-heaven? and I scream and hightail it into my dad’s car which he THANKFULLY parked right outside the tent so if need be we could just jump right in. It was terrifying and I will probably never camp again. The moral of the story here kids is to ALWAYS CHECK THE WEATHER BEFORE YOU DO OUTDOOR ACTIVITES!! Because even though the forcast calls for sunny skies where you live doesn’t mean it’s the same 40 minutes away.
So everytime I read this chapter I think, “Bella, I know how you feel.” Not because of Edward and Jacob but because we have both survived extreme camping trips. That was the one and only time I hated thunderstorms. And yet I was still oddly fasinated… hm.
Wow. I never thought of that analogy before…hmm. Interesting. Gosh things would be so much easier if only Edward hadn’t left. He is such a dimwit. Haha 🙂 I love him anyway, though 🙂 Anyhoo, I’ve never really had a bad camping experience. I’ve only been camping, like, once. And it was awful. I’m not really a girly girl, but I enjoy the benefits of indoor plumbing and whatnot, and a warm, comfy bed, and not getting ten billion mosquito bites and all that. And, it’s boring. Haha 🙂
Way to go Captain Obvious.
The book is entertaining, but there isn’t that much “deepness” to it. Well, anyway, I enjoy visiting the site. It’s a great distraction from school haha 🙂
Oh! and a BIG “LOL” @ the song for this chapter 😀
youre hot then youre cold…<3 cant help but love the irony in it…and cmon…after watching the hillywood show you can look at tht song the same way? 🙂
ummm is christian sending autographs? not just from herself but from a bunch? hmm…
youre almost done eclipse! sorta! 😛
Hahaha yeah Hot n Cold tottaly fits in with chapter but still it’s kinda funny. Kristian said tha she loves the website!?!?
*that*, sorry I’m really really tired:(
This might be short, for once *evil laughter*
Christian Serratos?!?! Dude…I’m stumped. Maybe behind the scenes awesome pictures of filming from her own camera? Hmmm….I don’t know.
Basically for this chapter, you hit the nail right on the head. At least in my opinion. It’s one of the BIGGEST chapters in the series, and I hope you liked it =)
I have so many cold horrifying camping experiences, I relate all to well to that chapter. Ick. They would’ve been a whole lot better if I had an Edward or Jacob though =D
Ok – the package was something great for you personally, and something for another contest!! That’s as far as my guess goes…
The conversation in the tent is one of my favorite parts of the Twilight series. You could feel the tension, and the change in attitude that each of them had (a little change).
As far as camping – the best way is in a trailer, with water and a fridge and warmth!! Best camping story ever is too long to tell here. Suffice it to say, we were deer hunting, the camp above ours was full of people who were drinking, a carload left to drive back to the valley, and my cousin and I played a trick (for my uncle) with a light that resembled a UFO. Hilarity ensued!! Good times!!
I love that chapter of course 🙂
That’s a very interesting insight on the symbolism of their places in the tent, I’d never thought of that but it makes perfect sense. I might have to read them over again and actually look for literary meanings in them.
I love that chapter because of the civility between him and Edward, that they’re actually able to talk normally about their common love. Plus I love the witty remarks between them. Plus since I’m on Team Jacob it’s natural that I love that chapter 🙂
Eclipse is my favorite of the four books. The next chapter is a good one too, I won’t say anything more than that, I don’t want to spoil it.
hey Kaleb!
when you posted that you had received a letter from Christian Serratos, my curiousty was instantly switched on lol and I’m going to take a stab in the dark as to what the letter was about.
I heard that Christian Serratos is actually going to be at Twicon and so I remembered that you, yourself were going too. =D I wondered “Hmm…. could Christian be inviting Kaleb as her Plus-1 to Twicon???” If so then ‘Woohoo!’ for Kaleb!!!! =D that’d be so cool!!!! =D =D I’m probably (actually almost definitely) wrong lol but that would be pretty awesome.
And about the rest of your post: Totally Awesome as usual =) I loved the picture of the man putting hearts on his sword as an exaqmple of Jacob’s behaviour. Although, I do think Jacob is a great guy, sometimes while I was reading Eclipse I just wanted to slap him for some of the sleazy things he was doing to Bella. Did you feel that way at all???
All-in-all, a great chapter review Kaleb!!!! =)
Hi Kaleb
I really like what michelle said about autographs being in the box. Plus, I’m jealous that you got to talk to them AND get mail from them!(JK)
“Smooth, fella. Very smooth” I couldn’t stop laughing at that XD
I believe you would be the envy of many twilighters right now >_<, receiving Mail from the stars of Twilight-Yes, I call them “Stars” because i think they are.-You are so lucky D:
a box full of autographs? hmm.. not a half bad idea;)
i think this chapter gives great insight in both jacob and edwards characters. both are more vulnerable than we thought they are. especially edward never talks about such things to bella, but he´s definitely not as sure of her than she thinks. though that´s one of my favourite chapters in eclipse i´m really curious what you´ll think about the next one… it´s… unexpected;)
I found your website a few weeks ago and just want to say, I love it. You are hilarious! It’s great to see what a guy thinks of the books. I’m trying to convince my husband to read them and your site might help with that, then again, it might have the opposite effect since he already thinks I’m nuts and he’ll walk into the room and I’m laughing hysterically while reading your chapter reviews. He’s just lifts at eyebrow at me, shakes his head and walks away. I love the site though, keep up the good work!!
I think you are finally starting to understand the Jacob connection and why he needs to be around, although I agree he needs to back off of Bella a little. By the end of the books everything will make sense to you.
I think Christian’s letter to you is…just a wild guess….a marriage proposal!! Because there’s nothing better than a guy who reads Twilight (except Edward of course, but sadly he doesn’t exist, except in our heads)!
I can honestly say I have not had a winter camping horror story because my parents were never cruel enough to drag us out to sleep in tents in snowy areas. However after moving to Texas I did have a fun run in with what was either a small wild cat or an obscenely large racoon stealing my bag of chips off the table a few feet from where I was sitting (it was dark so I couldn’t see too well). Oh and not to mention we were camping next to a alligator filled river.
Aw I love this chapter.
But my favorite chapter in all three books in next! : )
This was one of my favorite chapters, though I cry soon. Just saying…
AND, I think there are more autographs, maybe something bigger than just pictures, though, since you said a package. Really, I need to win one of your contests. It’s not fair that I’ve been suscribed to you on ever since I got youtube, since before all the contests, and I still haven’t won.
i have camped in twenty degree weather with my friends. we were all trying to cuddle together to try to get some body heat. we made it through the night and totally deserved polar bear patches. it was actually pretty awesome to try our camping skills.
Christian sent that maybe because she is going Twicon???? She maybe said “I can’t wait to meet you at Twicon!!!!” then something else lol Just a guess Tehe
yes I’m sure Jake was ALL honorable intentions here…. *COUGH*
Yeah so your momentary extra understanding for Bella and Jake is about to die! I HATED everyone in the next chapter, sadly that included Edward. I hope you get to it soon! I can’t wait to see what you will do.
yes I’m sure Jake was ALL honorable intentions here…. *COUGH*
Yeah so your momentary extra understanding for Bella and Jake is about to die! I HATED everyone in the next chapter, sadly that included Edward. I hope you get to it soon! I can’t wait to see what you will do.
That is so cool. I think Christian Serratos said “Hey Kaleb. Your site’s awesome. I read Twlight too and I find your blog so entertaining.” WEll, not in those exact words.
The closest I’ve ever come to camping was when I use to go out to a lake at my old house. I went very early in the morning, before the sun rose, and just stared at the stars. There were no lights around there, so it was beautiful. It was a little scary though because there was a small forest nearby. It was dark and the area was so quiet and deserted. Plus, I didn’t tell anyone I would be there. lol. Not my best idea.
dang this is what i get for being away from a computer for over 48 hours! you didn’t write nearly enough about this, my favorite chapter, but since you are starting to see jacob’s part in this, i shall forgive you.
camping experience: there are many, but the most memorable one was the summer before 5th grade with my nature camp. the guy i liked was sleeping in the tent next to mine, and the next morning my friends told me i had been saying his name in my sleep. and rather loudly at that
Haha, okay, I’ve got two camping disasters for you.
When we first moved from NY to KY, we were staying in a campground for a bit. We actually had two mattresses and a dresser in the tent. And, being on the edge of tornado alley…. Yeah, dime-sized hail, torrential rain, and a probably 50 mph wind was not pretty. The only thing keeping the tent from blowing away I think was the dresser.
And for the other one, a friend of mine invited me and a bunch of other kids to a camping birthday party. There were three tents. And then we got a severe thunder storm, and of course I ended up being one of the lucky ones in the tent that leaked. There were three or four of us girls standing in about an inch and a half of water in the bottom of our tent. So we moved into my friend’s mom’s tent. And then her’s started leaking. So in the end, a couple girls squeezed in the last tent, which stayed dry (miracle?), and my friend, her mom, and I slept in their pickup truck…well, not much sleeping happened. They were in the front seat, and I was trying to lay down in that little tiny space behind the seat, with a couple over-night bags, one of which contained a bottle of hairspray that had no lid, so every time I tried to stretch my leg out I ended up hitting it and we’d here Pssssss and started getting hair-spray-fumed half to death. Fun. But somehow I still love camping lol.
Sorry no nightmare camping story for you since I avoid spending nights outside 😀
Anyway, I like your analogy. I didn’t see that when I read the book! The conversation between Edward and Jacob is really interesting, it gives you both of their point of view in their situation. The next chapter is going to be a big shocker for you… I can’t wait to read your reaction to THAT incident 😀 Ok better shut up now before I spoil it…. Have fun ^^
P.S. Belated Happy Valentines Day to you ^^
so i totally have to reread this chapter right now. cuz for real its my favorite. )x the next chapter though… makes me so angry. D:<
I loved this chapter! Getting more insight into what Edward’s and Jacob’s thoughts are… You surmised it best in your last paragraph.
I’m a bit of a camper, but can’t recall any particularly horrible camping experiences. Though I did have a few cold nights camping around Sweden and Norway with my uncle about 20 years ago (a bit colder than the Australian climate)!
I think Christian sent you an autographed gnome to give away in your next contest.
By the way, only because I know you’re so sensitive about them, there’s a couple of little errors in your blog. First there’s some “…uncertainly in Jacob’s words…”, instead of “uncertainty”. Then “…it might better for her to stay…” – should there be a “be” in there somewhere? Finally, there’s “…his obviously intent of stealing Bella…” instead of his “obvious intent”. Sorry – I know it was 2am and you were most likely very, very tired. But thought I’d point them out!
Looking forward to the next few chapters!
Me and my drama department at school went camping. Before we left for the camp ground, it started to rain so my sleeping bag and bunches of others got soaked. So I ended with no sleeping bag.
Long story short I ended up sleeping on freezing concret, no sleeping bag, no covers. only two hodies and two pairs of sweatpants. It was like 30′ degrees outside. I was blue when I woke up.
I agree with the people above. In the These chapters I couldn’t decide who I was more mad at. I was FURIOUS at Bella AND Edward AND Jacob.
im thinking christian sent some autographed thing for you to give away…and as for my camping experience, it was south tx, spring time and there was a huge thunder storm and cold front on the way.the bathroom was a mile away and our tent wasn’t ended up getting down to freezing and i couldnt sleep bc of the wind. it was horrible
I loved your take on this chapter, it was almost exactly what my husband said when he read it! (after much cajoling on my part, he’s not addicted like I am yet, but a girl can hope!)
As far as camping trips go, I’ve got a couple of horror stories, but the worst was when I was a senior in high school. My friends and I always camped on the top of some bluffs by a lake. We’d spend the days cliff diving (how very La Push of us!) and cruising around in boats. Well, one night someone was having a huge party on a houseboat, so a few of my friends decided to moon them from the top of the bluff when they went by. They got a little too close to the edge and 2 of them fell, in the pitch black, with no pants on. The houseboat ended up pulling them out of the water…they were quite amused. We were too after we realized that our friends were okay, but it was a scary few minutes!
My guess to what Christian sent is an autograph for a future contest. 😀
Kaleb, love your blog. Funny, funny. Scary camping story: My boyfriend and I were tent camping in CO in the fall and pouring rain turned to snow in the middle of the night. I woke up to the sound of an Aspen tree cracking somewhere above us. My boyfriend instantly leaned over me and braced for the impact. The tree missed but a giant dump of snow caved in the tent. It was a wet, cold, scary morning but I know he really loves me!
I agree with Herenya. On the triangle thing. I didnt think about it that way. I didnt exactly realise that if you took one away from the triangle that everyone else would fall apart. But now I’m really glad I know.
I love the photo you used about Jacob. I think the envelope has what everyone else said an autograph but if it doesnt. I think it might have a CD or a book. Since the package is in a square shape!
Tell your fans I love your books?
She’s advertising for you! :O
The last time I went Camping our campsite got distroyed by a mine tornado ( we think) It crushed our canpys, flooded 3 tents and flipped a well secured tent over a hill and led to me and 9 other girls sleeping in a van for the night. (ever try sleeping in a driver seat of a 15 passenger van? Yeah dont) And that was day 1 of 5. Day 2 we got attacked by ticks in the shower and By day 3 id heard a rattler out side my tent. I cant wait to go back though!
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