You won’t want to miss it. This Saturday, February 28, at 7 PM CST, on my BlogTV.
Want a hint? It has something to do with every book or movie in the Twilight Saga. So, it’s not tickets to Volterra. And it’s not the pawns used in the Breaking Dawn cover. Also, there are a bunch of them too. Guesses welcome in the comments!
My next chapter post will be up Tuesday, barring any sudden biology exam falling from the sky.
223 Responses
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I really hope that it is the Offical Guide to all things Twilight! I have been going crazy waiting for it to be relaeased and if that was in the box, well it would be so cool!! Or, I also like the Signed DVD idea from above as well. Both of those things there are going to be a lot of them soon and they will make every single Twilight fan excited! π Will there be a contest coming soon, too!?!
Um…lets see here, a box…a ferret? *snicker*
No, how about a super awesome pile of sweat socks! *Ha!*
Seriously though, I have no idea! π
Waiting to find out is going to KILL ME!!
yay! oh man lets see theres a bunch and theyre in all four. easy vampires!. no better yet Cullens ohh yayayay that be the best thing in the entire world a box full of Cullens. ughh okay maybe cars. ! thatd make more sense that people. but noo because cars wouldnt fit in the box either. ahh im racking my brain here. its definitly so obvious . Youre So Cool Kaleb!!!
i see sidebar and i see Twicon ads….
IT’S NOT TWICON TICKETS, IS IT?????? I say it is π
My guess is that inside the box is an autographes collection of stepehenie meyer’s twilight saga. OR a picture of the autograohes twilight saga because kaleb, you like to photocopy things. π
COOKIES! Just kidding, hmmm…
I hope it’s the official guide………or maybe its the keys to a brand new cullen car! or trading cards
or the movie
or tickets to…….something amazing!
i’m guessing… twilight dvd signed by movie people?
or um um gnomes signed by twilight people? lol
Ok so I read like all the comments and there are some pretty good guesses. But seriously how cool would it be if there really was like…all the books signed by SM and the whole cast, the official guide to the twilight saga or maybe the dvd and like preview to all the movies and behind the scenes look at all the movies.
well it’s either signed copies of every book in the series. Or its a vampire.
OR keys to Edward’s Volvo used in the movie (that would be amazing, please say it’s this)
Or- lots of Twicon tickets π
omg I love this one, A BOX FULL OF FORKS! that’d be epic. especially if they were signed by the cast and included car keys to a certain Volvo…
*aliceΒ΄s porsche keys??
*a date with rob Patz
Β¨*his phone number??
*tickets for the new moon premiere ??
*a full tour around the olympic peninsula?
*a part on the movie??
*a backstage day with all the cast??
*another box??
*the super ultra limited edition stuffed animals of the lion & the lamb??
ok i give up
OMG! It’s Rob Pattinson’s underwear!!!! USED!!!!!!!!!!
If kaleb says there is a lot of it then I’m suddenly thinking that it is…a large amount of $5 bills to buy twilight stuff π or if he wants to be evil…it’s air…and there is a lot of air and it is in between the pages of every book…and it has to do with everything too…but I would LOVE it if he made the prize something that has to do with metting the cast of twilight or stephanie meyer…that would be SOOOOOOOOO cool and 10 million ppl would subscribe for that!
Epic means: noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style; or heroic; majestic; impressively great. So it is got to do with ALL of the books and movies in the saga… There are lots of them. In the video there is a light in the box… but i’m pretty sure a light isn’t epic… I dunno, are there words, not like autographs, but word words on it? GAH! I dunno, long post though, hehe.
Seriously… Not a fun box but..
Fun Box Oh Fun Box Small and Square and Dark Fun Box Oh Fun Box Check out These Cool Pad Locks YAY…
HAHA! wait, why would N E 1 but Rob have a large amout of his own used undies? What would you do with them? lol, wait I DO NOT want to know… I’m a girl and I don’t want to know.
(wait can he fit in there?)
I was thinking the same as #42 Laura: the letter from Stephenie promising to finish Midnight Sun.
I hope it’s gonna be something extremely good ..
flight tickets there (usa) to meet the writer and the actors? :’D
lots of bookmarks for all twilight saga books!
Something epic
o_0 *gasp*
Kaleb, you are in big trouble mister! Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s illegal to kidnap people? Let Stephenie Meyer out of that box.
Is it Stephanie Meyer??
…oh wait, she wouldn’t fit in the box…lol
over-excited twilight-fan moment!
okai is it edward cullen….. i knew it i bet it is, i told my friends he was real! jkes ohhh i really wanna know! i swear these days are going very slowly now that im excited….. oh maybe its the action figures tht would be sooo cool ….. or Muse! OME that would be amazing cause you know stephanie loves muse anyhoo oh maybe its alice i would love her to be my sister! ok how about midnight sun then i would actually scream my head of start to cry n they be in hysteric jumping crying the hole thing ringing up my friends n everything oh i wish it was tht would be good….. i bet its going to be epic tho i cant take the suspense n by the way some of these guesses are very good i like the idea of midnight sun or flight tickets to usa (which i would love to go since ive never been i know tragic!) to meet the actors that would actually be amazing….. i cant wait to find out im so gunna be there even if i have to drag my mum and tie her around a chair to get on to the laptop….. im that serious i HAVE to see it cant wait !! xx
i love u kaleb u make my life so exciting well so does stephanie meyer by bringing the books into my life but u just made it even better! xx
OOOOH! It sound like it’s gonna be big!!!! =) Is it tickets to Forks??? I wanna know what it is!!!! LOL
Hey guys firstly i wanna know HOW TO WIN IT!!!
kaleb? How do u win this awsome thing?
we know you veiw the comments can you anser my question? please i really want to win wutever it is an di dont know how to enter! will you tell us how to enter?Please and thxs.
Also EPPPP i hope it will be something like tickets or summething
is Stephenie Meyer inside the box?! π
Something to do with Stephenie Meyer.
omg! is it tix to twicon?!?!?!
box set of the books?
A vile of vampire venim.
midnight sun?!?!?!?!?
OOOH is it an offer to be in the movie? lol but that wouldnt be in a box i guess….is it….MIDNIGHT SUN? no probably not π
Possibly TICKETS TO GO TO FORKS OR THE MOVIE SET!!! or… ummm….. autograph of Stephanie meyer, a toy replica of the silver volvo, signed twilight DVD, thats all i can think of. I NEED TO KNOW!
is it the twilight figurines signed by the cast or the Cullen crest
I have no idea what is in the box… maybe an other box inside the box? π
The really sad thing her is that I’m going to miss the show π I live in a other time zone so it is the middel of the night her when it is 7 pm there π I hope I figure out what is in the box anyway…please…
It’s all of the books signed by stephenie meyer! Or it’s the EDward and Bella dolls!!! OME! I bet that’s it! I can’t wait to see!!
tickets to vist forks lol
get to meet stepheine meyer!?
the cullen crests?
ummm oh the twilight dvd signed π <3 xxx
umm oh is it the Twilight DVD signed <3 π xxx
I know, the DVD, the offical guide to the Twilight Saga, the twilight saga, the director’s notebook thing and autographs.
I must of has something right out of all of those guesses, right?
is all the twilight sequel books signed by some of the cast and stephenie meyer?
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